Paris, Je t'aime. London, you're next. 2012


New Member
Aug 11, 2003
Earth,Heaven and Beyond
Hi folks. Been a good 3 weeks since we last completed our London and Paris trip in early december. I'm still no where done with the Paris photos, with a remaining 15% or so to sieve through. But I think I pretty much captured the essence of Paris in what I am about to show and tell. Nothing too amazing and probably have been shot a million times over by people all over the world. It was our first time there and I tried to squeeze whatever I can as a tourist and from a photographer's perspective.

Many thanks of course to the lovely missus who made it possible for me to capture some shots and who went through the terrible winter winds with me. I do hope the shots will do some justice to Paris and London as we fondly remember it. It was pretty scary doing photography there at times as Asians!

I'll start with the Paris leg first and then London next, though we actually went to these two beautiful countries in the reverse order.I decided to post Paris first because we had some really beautiful memories there and wanted to do it before 2013 hits us all. London has not been touched yet, but I will update this thread as we head along :)

This was the street that we stayed in, right in the heart of the Le Marais, which is a historic district in Paris, France. It is also incidentally the place where the jewish community and the gay community are concentrated in. We started our journey out onto Paris on a lazy, sunday, blessed with beautiful weather.


The bazar de 'hotel de ville which was only a mere 2 minutes walk away and is incidentally also owned by the famous Groupe Galeries Lafayette. We never did do much shopping there as it seemed catered to the french community, rather than tourists.


Musee du Louvre (besides Rue Cambon for the miss-us) was up on the list next as most of the boutiques were closed.

Ministry of Culture and Communication of France which was just opposite the museum. Vive le France! However we took the longer route and decided to walk via the Place Du Carrousel

Joan of Arc on her steed triumphantly watching over the traffic at the Place du Carrousel, which is a public square in Paris.

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The Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel which was built between 1806 and 1808 to commemorate Napoleon's military victories of the previous year. Nothing quite like its big brother, which we were particularly excited to see later in the trip.

And of course a Pano done of Musee Du Louvre. Honestly one entire day was simply not enough to tour and appreciate the wonders it contained within.

Some of the wonders contained within Louvre itself, the architecture and art within and without it was really exquisite.

One of the elaborately decorated walls on the ceilings of the Lourve.

Psyche revived by Cupid's Kiss, which was a rather interesting statue as it was actually meant to be movable.

The Winged Victory of Samothrace, which is a marble sculpture of the Greek Goddess (Nike)

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Of course I could go on and on about the attractions in Louvre, but honestly I would bore you guys with it. But the main attraction to the majority of course had to be the Mona Lisa. I for one never believed the "huh, so small, like that only ah" remarks from my friends who had been there previously until I saw it myself.

The crowd around the master piece. I fortunately managed to squeeze into the centre and grab some a central shot of it. I didn't show it here, because everyone's probably seen it.


The mona lisa unfortunately wasn't the star for me. You had one really tiny picture at one end of the other room and the Les Noces De Cana on the other end, which was the opposite of tiny. We throughly enjoyed viewing the piece though.


And a peek on where we wanted to go as well.


But of course there is the iconic Seine River that we had to stroll along quite a bit to get to the main attractions. Just two of the many views which I captured of the River.



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And we stopped to do a shot at the Pont Des Arts, which was really popular with couples. What couples would do was to inscribe their names on the locks, lock it on the bridge and then fling the keys over to the river.

There were locks that date back to 2006 and 2007 even. It made us wonder if they were still together. We did the same of course.


It was fortunate that we managed to get to this bridge on a relatively empty day. When we passed by it, the next day, it was filled with hundreds of people.


Notre Dame Cathedral, which was also one of the must visit places in Paris, and we very much preferred vs that of the cathedrals in London.It also happened to be the exact day that Notre Dame turned 850 years of age and they had a grand procession and celebration to mark this day. We were very fortunate to have been there.


The interior of the Notre Dame Cathedral, which we were quite in awe of. This shot was done on with a handheld HDR basis as the light conditions in side the cathedral (as with all others in Europe) were terrible.


One of the side facades of the main hall of the Cathedral

The candle lighting area where we lit a candle and prayed.The continually burning flame symbolizes the ongoing nature of the prayer even after the person who lit the candle has left the church.

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Nice photos.

:thumbsup: thanks for sharing

And course we just had to go up to the top of the Cathedral.

I did a couple of panos, but just decided to showcase two views for your viewing pleasure. Winter for taking panos or long exposures is certainly no joke.Winter winds were horrible, but we were blessed with particularly good weather that very day when we went up.

I will be printing this out personally as we really liked how the main attractions of Paris could be seen in the full resolution file. How many can you spot off hand? I did wish that CS would allow me to post much bigger resolution photos, but it strangely limits me. The full file is breathtaking!


And of course the front view, which we enjoyed tons. It was quite an experience to see the streets of Paris from Notre Dame!

And if the winter winds were anything to complain about, we saw a particularly strange but useful way to keep warm during winter. A NASA astronaut suit! (Complete with the french flag of course)

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Nice photos.

:thumbsup: thanks for sharing

Thanks mates, I really am enjoying doing this travelogue as it really is helping me relieve the memories and journey that we had for this trip.

Hope you guys are liking the photos so far!

*to be continued*

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Very nice shots! Personal favourite is that of River Seine.

A testament to why Paris is still considered as one of the most romantic cities in the world. While we were at Notre Dame, we happened to find this incredibly amusing scene of a couple taking wedding shots right in front of the cathedral.Everyone around me was snapping a pic of the scene and some were even clapping! I have to give props up to the bridegroom for wearing that kilt in that weather, though it was the wrong costume for the country.


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Nice! The Seine ones are my favourite too. Is the HDR processed in-camera on the 6D?

Great shots. Free n Easy? Was it easy to move on your own or with family?

Nice! The Seine ones are my favourite too. Is the HDR processed in-camera on the 6D?

Thanks! Files were on raw, shots of the seine river were done on the 1DX. I shot exclusively in raw and never used the HDR function as that only outputs in JPEG:)

Great shots. Free n Easy? Was it easy to move on your own or with family?

Free and easy!Winter's particularly hard to stay still for long and set up. Plus Asian with Camera gear just screams rob me to the gypsies.Had a close encounter in london personally. Some of the shots above and a couple of others that i will later post up took a great deal of effort to shoot:) But winter has its advantage, with less tourists coming in to Paris.

Otherwise it was very easy to get around and find your bearings, although as mentioned, i had to look out for my missus as it was just the two of us.

Thanks! Files were on raw, shots of the seine river were done on the 1DX. I shot exclusively in raw and never used the HDR function as that only outputs in JPEG:)

Free and easy!Winter's particularly hard to stay still for long and set up. Plus Asian with Camera gear just screams rob me to the gypsies.Had a close encounter in london personally. Some of the shots above and a couple of others that i will later post up took a great deal of effort to shoot:) But winter has its advantage, with less tourists coming in to Paris.

Otherwise it was very easy to get around and find your bearings, although as mentioned, i had to look out for my missus as it was just the two of us.

I'm afraid of the coldness but will look up for more info to visit France in the future.. Do you mind sharing what gear did you bring along?

I'm afraid of the coldness but will look up for more info to visit France in the future.. Do you mind sharing what gear did you bring along?

The cold will definitely suck. It was a mammoth task to fit the camera on to the tripod or to use the tilt shift lens.But at the end of the day, it's all worth it. I actually think we made a much better choice visiting europe in december rather than the traditional summer season. We were less prone to sticking out like tourists.

I bought 2 bodies, 1dx and 6d. Lenses were 24-70 ii 2.8 and 17 TSE 4.Everything was heavily utilized.:)

Happy 2013 folks! Yet another year has passed and I continue this thread with a picture of food!

This was what was our daily staple for lunch in Paris. Baguette, Baguette and Baguettes. Little bits of comfort in the winter season.


And right after Notre Dame was our visit to Saint Chapelle, a relatively small gothic chapel, but what wonders it contained within! It is easily considered as one of the greatest achievements of Gothic Architecture, of which it boasts one of the greatest collections of Stained Glass in the world.

The first floor of Saint Chapelle

If the first floor was anything to go by, the second floor was just jaw dropping. It was a pity that we were unable to view the 2nd floor in its entire beauty as one section was under restoration, but nevertheless it was still quite something to see. Each stained glass actually contains intricate details of a particular story. I tried to capture the essence of the place still regardless. One simply has to be there to appreciate the serenity and the the beautiful light that was lighting up each individual glass.

Handheld HDR as tripods were strictly banned within, and which I felt really brought the place to its entire glory.



and a non-HDR shot of the rear of the chapel,which I wanted to show its natural beauty. Still very much a sight and easily one of my top favourite place to see in the city of lights!


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