Our Child Series.

you can say that again. My daughter's front teeth are gone now. She really looks cute. Will post some if I get some worthy shots. :thumbsup:

yup, shoot more!!!

One of the pics i took for other parents family.


My daughter and her barney ..:)


My first post! Newbie with D50.
Bought dSLR just to capture my kidz!

This is Sarah, twin 2 of a pair of twins. Other one is Faith.


gd shots there ndroo.:thumbsup:



Taken for a friend's child.

use to laugh at my colleagues by staying at home and work, as i feels that it will be hard to concentrate. Now, i am also like that, work at home, got shoot then go.

With childs, i think its a commitment to take care of them, i wanna be with them, try not o throw everything to maid and grandmother, as its very unfair. Childs is my, my duty, not theirs, so i now know what my colleagues mind are going thru.

Grandma old already, also they shd be enjoying, not taking care my children.

We have so many parents here...:bsmilie:

Another one in her childcare uniform.......... taken in KK...... waiting for her twins sisters to be discharge....
