OSIM Triathlon 2009

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nice...which lens n body did u use? what is the settings u normally use?

Thanks. This is the 1st time I'm shooting with the EOS 5DMk2. Lens used was EF70-200 f2.8L IS. ISO depending on brightness, Aperture priority, AI Servo focus mode. If I was planning on panning shots, the settings will be different.



Ahhh ... my friend there would be absolutely thrilled to have such a nice shot of him! :bsmilie: :thumbsup:

Nicely taken though some of them seemed a bit off focus, not sure if its servo tracking issue or lens focus issue ? ( shutter speed seems fast enough..)


....some of them seemed a bit off focus, not sure if its servo tracking issue or lens focus issue ? ( shutter speed seems fast enough..)

Haa Haa...Probably a photographer issue..... Well, if Paul wants a higher res of the shot ask him to contact me and I'll give him a copy.

interesting to note that most of the pros are on regualr road bikes instead of tri-bikes
nothing beats the raw speed of a good roadie

interesting to note that most of the pros are on regualr road bikes instead of tri-bikes
nothing beats the raw speed of a good roadie

Its a matter of selecting the correct setup for the correct course. On a tight course like the OSIM, a roadbike with aero bars would have handled much better. Timetrial bikes are made to go fast, in a relatively straight path... not getting swung around tight corners at speed. So, the pros being sponsored probably have a better choice of equipment to choose from for use. On longer courses, such as say a single round 40km course or Ironman distances, a timetrial bike would reap greater benefits.

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