One Whole Day

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Jazer said:
Not really , i was thinking more angles and the randomness of the subject matter...

The colours are very different my friend. I mean how can the color ones and the B/W be consistent?

it's the type of colours.. the feel of the colours.. not exactly the colours itself.. you know what i'm trying to say ? if you don't it's okay i'm not that good at expression.. haha..

sequitur said:
hmm ? nah. i'm not worthy of being stalked or followed. you're doing good and you've established your own work, own style in a very very nice way, especially to me.

scanned from negs or from prints ?

b&w is from PS ?
All scanned from negative...this roll scanned at ColourLab Adelphi

PS only for cropping and B/W, no colour correction done expect for 'Panels and Figure' for increased contrast.

Jazer said:
you achieved a interesting style here .. its different in every shot, but also holds the same consistent *oddity* ...

I don't like some of it .. but at the same time .. it works. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: from me

* sorry if my comments don't make sense *
I believe with what you say...Me too always find 'Odd' approaches whenever I take photos...I use to hate it that I decided to stop taking photos...but after going thru CS and changing my workflow, I find those 'Oddities' attractive and created a 'love me or hate me' relationship between me and my photos.

That's what people always say, love your work or simple hate them.

patch17 said:
hi khairi,

i see you're having a lot of fun with the yashica. very nice pictures.

i like the 'depth and reflections' and 'panels and figure'. :D

good stuff!
He he he...yeah the yashica really makes me gain more confidence with a camera, and now, i'm more confident with my SLR too. :D

SniperD said:
:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Print them out in series! :thumbsup: :)
Geee....I think, I still need help with this...printing and putting into a proper photo folio is still something that I had not tried. But will try.

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