once at the old great world

Up stream of singapore river

$Young Pao san & friend.jpg
my uncle late 60's or early 70's can't remember

welcome chempaka

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Interesting street lamps in this last snap. This thread is more and more reminding me of how things have changed so drastically in my own country in such a short span of time and it seems to get faster and faster or maybe it is just me getting older and slower...zk-diq again many thanks for sharing these vintage photos. Bravo!

Padang in the late 60's

welcome nikonzen, times of our life.

<img src="http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=5677"/>
my uncle late 60's or early 70's can't remember

welcome chempaka

Hmm... Seem to remember that I saw this lamp post somewhere before when I was much younger; 6 or 7?

East coast?


I think it would be fascinating to see if you could try to "reshoot" some of these snaps. You know same location, same spot, same composition, same time of day approx, except for here and now. Then put old photo and new photo side by side. Talk about an interesting challenge.

haha, in singapore we don't even teach history and geography any more in school. Historical recording is a very serious work. Don't play play.

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$Padang_wo westin.jpg
Padang much latter time. without Westin. should be about 30plus years ago.

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$Changi BEach_1.jpg
Changi beach, far a part is kaylong,
Those days can walk over the beach even water is high.

This is my favorite picture thread ever. I am in my 20s but I can feel the nostalgia.

Thanks to all for contributing and giving us this opportunity to share a Singapore that is lost.

china town, where the HDB build.
welcome to the lost memory.

$changi fishing.jpg
changi beach, you can walk all the way to the kaylong.

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$build kaylong.jpg
building kayoing at changi, the place is somewhere near bedok. Now is all land.

$3man fishing.jpg
lets go fishing, 40 years back in time

very first KFC at Orchard road, they use pressure cooker to cook, only when you order.
I mean in singapore, not only orchard road.

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I recalled going for my first KFC then in the early 80s, got to dress nice & smart like going to a semi formal meal . There would be waitresses to take your order & yes, well polished dry cutlery that you could feel the warm , not like today's fast food style.:thumbsd:

Nice series, please keep it going !

View attachment 5854
very first KFC at Orchard road, they use pressure cooker to cook, only when you order.
I mean in singapore, not only orchard road.