Olympus Camera Tested in Extreme Condition


Apr 27, 2009
Hi all fellow oly fans,

With some of the recent posts about the perceived death of a wonderful system, it can be disheartening to the community. Thus, I hope this thread will bring some cheers among us.

Just to share a website which shows how a photographer use his oly cam and his collection of very beautiful and memorable images of nature.

And if you are moved by his passion, you may even consider joining him on a expedition to experience (in my humble opinion) one of the best trip of a lifetime :>



PS: Maybe we should just be like him...just go and capture as much as possible of the things that we treasure...those precious moments may be lost forever even before we hear the final word from the system builder

Awesome!! Not a cheap hobby for all of us. Perhaps it's peanuts to him.

I have brought my E-1 to the deserts in the US, the E-3s been through enough winters in China, exposing the E-3 and 14-54mm in weather down to -39˚C. E-5 has yet to be tested but from the link's images, it should hold up like the E-3.

Never doubted the capabilities of the E-System in extreme weather. It is just an amazing camera system. The ZD lens are probably one of the best camera lenses I have ever used, and reasonably priced. Leicas are very good, very well built, but very expensive as well. There are reasons why the Tatsuno factory's produce has earned its nickname "The Leicas of the East". And very much true.