Olivia Ong and band @ esplanade

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More shots for those who miss their performance






nice photos and nice artist..

Hi nulbonklr,

Just sent you a pm....


wasn't publicised at all...:( anybody knows when is she coming next?

Hi All,

Just want to thank you guys for supporting The Olivia Ong Quintet!! Much appreciated.

Hope to see you guys soon!!


Dear Alvin,

Any idea where and when shall be your next performance? I believe lots of clubsnap members are very keen & eager to go down & support The Olivia Ong Quintet.

Do update us.


nice series;)

nice series, she's very sweet;)

nice shots, nice singer, nice voice!

hi, i'm a fan of olivia ong. really thanks a lot for so many great photo. really nice. thanks!

Dear Alvin,

Any idea where and when shall be your next performance? I believe lots of clubsnap members are very keen & eager to go down & support The Olivia Ong Quintet.

Do update us.


Hi nul,

We're taking a short break (abt a month or two) after 2 months of performance overseas and locally. However, do check back at www.myspace.com/theoliviaongquintet for future updates!

Thanks all for your support!


Hi nul,

We're taking a short break (abt a month or two) after 2 months of performance overseas and locally. However, do check back at www.myspace.com/theoliviaongquintet for future updates!

Thanks all for your support!


Sure, shall be looking forward for your next performance.

hi, i'm a fan of olivia ong. really thanks a lot for so many great photo. really nice. thanks!

Thank you for your compliment.

nice shots, nice singer, nice voice!

Yep , especially her Japanese songs are very well sung. Looking forward her next CD release.

More shots







Hi Nul,

I'm new to ClubSNAP and I stumbled across this forum thread because I'm quite a fan of Olivia and happened to see this thread somewhere on Google. I didn't get to go to the Esplanade performance so I'm thankful for your pictures.

Regarding your pictures, they're really good I think. If I may just ask some simple questions. What camera body and lens were you using? Your shots look very sharp so I'm guessing you used a tripod? Since I don't think they allow Flash you'd probably open your aperture all the way which should put you around the first row.

I'm really just a photography newbie just starting out. I have a Nikon D200 with a Nikkor 50mm/1.8, but I've not been able to pull off shots like yours. Any help? I'd be grateful.


Hi Nul,

I'm new to ClubSNAP and I stumbled across this forum thread because I'm quite a fan of Olivia and happened to see this thread somewhere on Google. I didn't get to go to the Esplanade performance so I'm thankful for your pictures.

Regarding your pictures, they're really good I think. If I may just ask some simple questions. What camera body and lens were you using? Your shots look very sharp so I'm guessing you used a tripod? Since I don't think they allow Flash you'd probably open your aperture all the way which should put you around the first row.

I'm really just a photography newbie just starting out. I have a Nikon D200 with a Nikkor 50mm/1.8, but I've not been able to pull off shots like yours. Any help? I'd be grateful.


Thank you for your compliment.

I'm using D80, 50-150 sigma lens. All handheld shots. Some of the shots I took with flash.

Most of the shots i took are within range between 100mm to 150mm

This shot taken at 50mm without flash


This shot taken at 150mm without flash


Hope this helps.


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