OFFICIAL: Olympus OM-D E-M5 User Thread

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We have a healthy user reviews thread. It it pointless to restart one just to call it official. The reason this happened is bec the thread was relatively unmoderated during this time when em5 was launched. I din see any mods contributing just the usual bunch of people. No offence to the mods, but I thk everyone was pretty good and well behaved and started reasonable threads. As for a user review thread, we already have one that is very healthy, as well as a very healthy accessories thread. Someone started a battery thread and I thk it's doing ok. If u wanna combine the photos thread, that's ok too, but I thk the em5 deserves its own photos thread. So wat is the role of this official thread? The official title is nebulous and what u will end up with is a big mess in this official thread and it will end up very long and unfocused. And to add to the insult, the mod hinted that the other threads will be closed!? I think that's quite uncalled for. Since microcosm has gone, 4/3 forum has been dying. Thank goodness for em5, there is a lot of activity. And the activity is good until this official thread came up and people went "huh?" So, we should just close this thread and if u feel like we need an official thread, rename one of the threads to "official" but mods please do not delete or close any of the ongoing active threads. People still find value in those threads and there is a lot of good info there people have taken the time to contribute and post photos. Anyway, nothing against rhema, but why are you working for the mod? Anyway, hope this clarifies things for ed who juz came in. Thanks.
I don't think the mods hinted at closing any of the threads except the [HOT!!!] one which is already closed. I have to agree that the [HOT!!!] thread is already history and should transit into the new "E-M5 Owners" thread since the camera has shipped.

I agree with the highlighted suggestion. The thread is flourishing and has all the traits of a great thread. It would be a pity to see it go just because we want to create an "official thread". Can we add the [OFFICIAL] prefix to its title and call it a day?

Finally, to clarify: no, I don't work for the mods. I just want to contribute a bit to make CS a more pleasant online hangout for photographers; I personally enjoy CS very much. Forums need the support from their users, especially the m4/3 forum which is evidently less active and slower than the Canikon ones. I simply tried (and probably failed).

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We should stop debating about the redundancy(?) of this thread and focus more on discussing about the camera instead

If need be, just create another topic on "should we have another official om-d thread" thread and post your opinions there.

As suggested by the moderator, let's continue the discussion on the Olympus OM-D E-M5 in this thread going forward.

I remember initially that there was some mention that the other threads will be closed in order to consolidate everything into this thread. I think it has been edited now and thats all I can find. That was my concern. In any case, I think we all want to keep the discussions focused, as well as make information accessible. And not to kill something when it is still good. I am happy with your suggestion to rename one of the threads. I think its a great idea.

Weakpig, we need to keep the forum organized in order for people to get information where it is needed and not to lose information. People do put in effort to contribute, as well as post their photos. There are ongoing threads already where you can have your E-M5 discussions. Rhema and I both contribute actively and constructively to those threads.

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