[Numnumball] To my wife, my dear, my - Maternity Portraits

Hi Folks!!

Some shots taken today in a shot 1 hr session at a park near my in-laws place.. Capturing moments of my lovely wife in her maternity months bearing the fruits (boy) of our joy.. Its hard on her having to withstand the weight of her tummy and prolonged standing to complete this short series..

I dedicated these to her and all mummys-to-be~!

And more to come in the upcoming mths ahead...

Happy Viewing!


Equipment used
SB900 diffused on lightstand/softbox
Phottix Aster

PS: It actually quite tough being the model and the photographer :sweat:

As usual all Comments and Critiques are most welcome.

Feel free to leave a line or two so i can improve further~!!



awwww.....this is so sweet. :)

congrats to you both!


got try to crop 7. for a better composition? Like the expressions though.

good book? maybe I should get one for my wife! haha! becoming like pregnancy thread... :p

Yeah bro~!!!! its a gd book.. my wife say it answer 99% of her doubts!!i reckon u get it! :)

Multi-tasking as photographer and model really not easy. :bsmilie:
Very heart warming short series bro..Well done! :thumbsup:

Yeah bro.. Thanks for dropping by~!! :)

Look fwd to urs real soon man :)

Hi Folks,

Started a new thread in dedication to my wife who's carrying our baby boy due early next year..

Today marked the 150th day (21 weeks +) in which my wife embarked on her journey to pregnancy..

And in commemoration and congratulations to my dear bros,

Wildcat; Who got married today!!!

AND DareDevil123, who became a father today (Baby Boy!!!)

Double Happiness~!!!!! :vhappy::cheers:

03 October 2010 truly is a day to be remembered.... :)

As usual, feel free to leave me a line or two for comments and critiques so i can improve further..

Shot with D700 with AFD135DC f/2 with SB900 diffused on lightstand with softbox




Congratulations to you all
nice happy photo

can feel that you love her very very much ....