North Korea (DPRK) Trip

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New Member
May 28, 2005
Hi Folks,

preview of my North Korea trip photos ... complete photos here Enjoy :D Any questions pertaining to the trip are welcomed.





3rd pic looks abit faded.
maybe u shld try adjusting the contrast or levels.

Interesting, especially your doll shots there. How did you end up to be in North Korea?

melnjes said:
Interesting, especially your doll shots there. How did you end up to be in North Korea?

I joined a tour group (the only way to enter that isolated country) and spent 8 days there. I guess is a rather unique experience which even a thousand pictures cannot describe ;) There wasn;t any particular reason why i took my vacation there except that i have a good excuse not to answer my phone or have internet access (BTW, DPRK don;t even have a mobile network or even Newspaper!)

Thanks for sharing these photo. The sky colour of the first photo is very nice. North Korean is really a isoloated country and I always wonders how beautiful the country is and how people live their life there. Even when I try to seach the internet for the photo of the country but there are not many available.

How is the trip? Don't you afraid that you cannot leave the country and spent the rest of you life there? haha... Just kidding with you;) .... The tour guide speak which language? Can speak Chinese?

How much you spent for the trip? Which travel agency you go with?

Just wanna added one point. Indeed these are valuable photos.... Is really difficult to find scenery photo of North Korea. At least to me. :bsmilie:

colour said:
Just wanna added one point. Indeed these are valuable photos.... Is really difficult to find scenery photo of North Korea. At least to me. :bsmilie:

Thanks, yep I'll start adding captions and if possible do a travel blog if time permits. It is indeed a misunderstood country althought i must add that it's not a confortable country to be in. And if anyone wish to do good photography there, it'll be rather annoying with the tour guide stopping you all the time. You see, we are repeatly reminded to only take "good" shots.

I travelled with UTC = Korea-12 Days.html and now tempted to visit Iran if i strike lottery.

Pls be warned that you'll be travelling with mostly retirees who had probably covered most part of the world. However, there's so much to learn from them ...from travelling tips to life stories. In any case, i wld encourage anyone who has an open mind to step into this forgotten land.


Wonderful pictures you have there
Website very well designed
Perhaps can teach me how to host such a website so that i can post my pictures
Cheers and happy shooting

cableguy55 said:
Wonderful pictures you have there
Website very well designed
Perhaps can teach me how to host such a website so that i can post my pictures
Cheers and happy shooting

Hi and thanks,

the easiest way is to use flickr, sign up an account, and go for the paid version if you want to upload loads of picture.

I'm using various flash solutions, including with flickr

enjoy :)


Wor...nice series not the usual ones.. Seems to be really quiet over ther in North Korea. Where's everyone?? :)

jugend said:
Wor...nice series not the usual ones.. Seems to be really quiet over ther in North Korea. Where's everyone?? :)

eh .. actually we are not suppose to "shoot" the local folks ... those you saw are taken secretly :p BTW, u'll see huge 6 lane driveways with only few cars, everyone else walk from places to places (interestingly, cars are banned on sunday!) or take the public transport. I've a pic showing the orderly manner how they queued for buses! No one buys a car, all cars are owned by the govt. If you are lucky, you get to drive one.

I had not surf this forum for some time. I visit your website again using another computer to view your North Korea trip photo but still had problem. Why not you download them in this website and let eveyone to see the beauty of that very secret country? :bsmilie:


How much is it to travel to the 12D North Korea? I suppose all means are included since you are not suppose to wander around.

hi rawbean,
how did you get into the tour group? where can I find out info on how to join such a tour group? if you don't mind, could you share the process of getting visa, costs, etc... and your tour experience, being there, the people who showed you around, your group members, any interaction with the locals etc? thanks!

These are really great shots! I mean, it doesn't always necessarily mean you must have techically perfect shots all the time; content is way more important and as far as I'm concerned, your set is gold! Wow, DPRK is one country that really fascinates me. It used to be Russia, but now I think they've gone all capitalist. Pah!

Nice work. I really appreciate them, and one of these days, I'm gonna get me to DPRK, too!

great insight! thanks for sharing!

Thanks Folks,

To answer a couple of questions:

1) You can join the tour quite easily, check out UTC site. They offer other interesting destination. I'm heading to Iran this April ;). Be prepared that you are likely to the only "young" one. Most folks in such group are retired.

2) The trip is about 2.1K which is good value considering you'll have a chance to witness something that is quite out of this world.

3) The interactions with the locals are minimum. They are quite fearful of you actually. There might be plenty of restriction in movement (eg. you can't step out of the Hotel) and loads of brain washing. No kidding but get readyto be bombed by activities that worship the "great leader" or "bashing" the Americans. Anyway, is great fun if you can endure it...and please don't argue with them. Keep your opinions to yourself.

4) Food is GREAT! yep, i love them more than those in South Korea.

5) A little tips: If you wanna get those famous Ginseng (yep, they have the best in the world), get them at the airport just before you depart ...cheapest.


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