Noctilux + OUFRO + M240

May I ask why it's so blurry/dreamy?

May I ask why it's so blurry/dreamy?

It is the charter of the lens with very shallow depth of view (2 slices of bread thickness @ F0.95). With closeups, it amplifies the dream effect more.

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Thought the hazy outline of subject is result of induced spherical aberration.

what is OUFRO? this dreamy effect can also be produced using a filter with Vaseline smears.

so wierd, the glow, esp. in the 1st two pics seems not the regular bokeh due to the shallow DOF.

It is the charter of the lens with very shallow depth of view (2 slices of bread thickness @ F0.95). With closeups, it amplifies the dream effect more.

I get that effect with my 90mm Elmar and bellows too. I suspect cuz my lens is very old and 3 element. On my newer and better condition 65 Elmar, it looks very sharp and not glowy at all. Personally I hate the hazy look so I rarely use my 90mm.