No Lights On - A.D Creative Productions

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Well Pic 6 is the best
I notice that for Pic 5,there is a tinge of greenishness around her.
Did you up the hue?
If not it could be the reflected light from the trees outside.


Well Pic 6 is the best
I notice that for Pic 5,there is a tinge of greenishness around her.
Did you up the hue?
If not it could be the reflected light from the trees outside.

mmm its natural light from outside the window that gives a dreamy green glow.

Credits to tung tong for helping me out in this...




He he...think I have caught the DI bug as well...although I made the pic look so different and popartish.lolx. Actually looks like a page out of a graphic novel. Hopes Aver dun kill me for this.

Ha ha...might even come up with a series for this! That is if I am still alive! Ha ha....


He he...think I have caught the DI bug as well...although I made the pic look so different and popartish.lolx. Actually looks like a page out of a graphic novel. Hopes Aver dun kill me for this.

Ha ha...might even come up with a series for this! That is if I am still alive! Ha ha....

:thumbsup: 君子以自强不息 :thumbsup:

These pictures are just plain emo.

Haha.. totally agree....

These 2 can definately produce the goods given time to settle into their new playthings! All looking forward to your images!

Having seen her website, my impression of Averal is someone who is more inclined into doing something more arty, non mainstream, and out-of-the-square box. Clearly, we can all suspect that a great proportion of ClubSnap members (and Singaporeans) are not enthusiastic or capable in this "outside" area.

As a nation, Singaporeans have been raised to conform to rules and regulations, and follow formulas and standard operating procedures. A lot of that upbringing and conditioning can be seen in this forum. Only a few are able to break away from this conditioning and pursue what they really would like to freely achieve or express.

A CS member said it right - there are many photographers who simply join group shoots doing similar themes repeatedly, and some model shoot organisers are just as guilty of conducting the same themes over and over again.

Whether or not the photography and digital imaging skills are lousy, the fact of the matter remains that Averal and her photographer don't have the typical or common herd mentality which many others have, and went out on their own to do what they really felt like doing. Their results may not be award-winning but surely stands out differently from the plethora of clubbing, sexy dress, etc images.

I still want to know what dope Averal consumes for such inspiration. ;)

Having seen her website, my impression of Averal is someone who is more inclined into doing something more arty, non mainstream, and out-of-the-square box. Clearly, we can all suspect that a great proportion of ClubSnap members (and Singaporeans) are not enthusiastic or capable in this "outside" area.

As a nation, Singaporeans have been raised to conform to rules and regulations, and follow formulas and standard operating procedures. A lot of that upbringing and conditioning can be seen in this forum. Only a few are able to break away from this conditioning and pursue what they really would like to freely achieve or express.

A CS member said it right - there are many photographers who simply join group shoots doing similar themes repeatedly, and some model shoot organisers are just as guilty of conducting the same themes over and over again.

Whether or not the photography and digital imaging skills are lousy, the fact of the matter remains that Averal and her photographer don't have the typical or common herd mentality which many others have, and went out on their own to do what they really felt like doing. Their results may not be award-winning but surely stands out differently from the plethora of clubbing, sexy dress, etc images.

I still want to know what dope Averal consumes for such inspiration. ;)

Its actualy a gift that Averal and Jeri feel and think alike for another... that's a huge plus.. They can go on doing their images and honestly did they care about feedback? I'd probably think not.... And I just read some article on the web that a PRO photographer.. by the definition of it.. will be someone that earns 100% of their income from photography... an ARTISAN photographer ... is someone that creates images and doesnt really care if people buy them or not... who knows... 10 years down the road, A&J might be the celebrated famous DUO....

haha.. SUCH is the unpredictability of ART!

Its actualy a gift that Averal and Jeri feel and think alike for another... that's a huge plus.. They can go on doing their images and honestly did they care about feedback? I'd probably think not.... And I just read some article on the web that a PRO photographer.. by the definition of it.. will be someone that earns 100% of their income from photography... an ARTISAN photographer ... is someone that creates images and doesnt really care if people buy them or not... who knows... 10 years down the road, A&J might be the celebrated famous DUO....

haha.. SUCH is the unpredictability of ART!
Remember to dig me out from my grave when that day comes...... :bsmilie:

Having seen her website, my impression of Averal is someone who is more inclined into doing something more arty, non mainstream, and out-of-the-square box. Clearly, we can all suspect that a great proportion of ClubSnap members (and Singaporeans) are not enthusiastic or capable in this "outside" area.

As a nation, Singaporeans have been raised to conform to rules and regulations, and follow formulas and standard operating procedures. A lot of that upbringing and conditioning can be seen in this forum. Only a few are able to break away from this conditioning and pursue what they really would like to freely achieve or express.

A CS member said it right - there are many photographers who simply join group shoots doing similar themes repeatedly, and some model shoot organisers are just as guilty of conducting the same themes over and over again.

Whether or not the photography and digital imaging skills are lousy, the fact of the matter remains that Averal and her photographer don't have the typical or common herd mentality which many others have, and went out on their own to do what they really felt like doing. Their results may not be award-winning but surely stands out differently from the plethora of clubbing, sexy dress, etc images.

I still want to know what dope Averal consumes for such inspiration. ;)

Ha ha...... Looks like I am more famous as Aver's photographer.lolx:bsmilie:

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