Nikon Lens acronyms

omg! thanks a bunch!

wat is DX all about - straight from Nikon's brochure.

(click on image for the original doc. big file)

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Thanks.. very helpful thread.


Wow... cool. Thanks. Btw, I am still raw to 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED 0r f/3.5 - 5.6D....etc.
What acutally does those f/ something and the 17-55mm related. I guess understanding those term will help in getting the lens needed. But how to understand such term and learn more? Kindly advice. Thank you. Truly appreciate.

Wow... cool. Thanks. Btw, I am still raw to 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED 0r f/3.5 - 5.6D....etc.
What acutally does those f/ something and the 17-55mm related. I guess understanding those term will help in getting the lens needed. But how to understand such term and learn more? Kindly advice. Thank you. Truly appreciate.

what are you confused about? Is it the lens terms? Should be quite clear from the link that Nightwolf75 posted.
Or are you wondering why the 17-55 f/2.8 is much more expensive than the 18-55 f3.5/5.6 ?

Wow... cool. Thanks. Btw, I am still raw to 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED 0r f/3.5 - 5.6D....etc.
What acutally does those f/ something and the 17-55mm related. I guess understanding those term will help in getting the lens needed. But how to understand such term and learn more? Kindly advice. Thank you. Truly appreciate.

Maybe you should start here: Photography Notes for Newbies
These are the very basics applicable to ALL cameras, lenses etc. Once you understand this then you can map it to Nikon equipment.

Thank you for all your advice and input. Thks Octarine for the newbies page... it does help a lot. Cheers!

Interesting........very informational.

How about country of manufacture? Is there any fixed way of telling which lenses are produce in Japan, Thailand or China?
For example, all AF 70-200 are produce in Thailand (juz an eg, i got no idea where they are made).

From my experience, most kit lens, DX lens with plastic mount are made in thailand, some prime lens, inc 50 1.8D is made in china, then higher end ones such as 35 2D, 85 1.8D, 70-200 VR 2.8G, 14-24 2.8G, 105 VR 2.8G etc are all made in japan.

thanks... very informative:):);)

Thx a lot... very helpful~

:thumbsup: very informative especially to those who want to understand lenses by more than just their focal lengths and apertures. thanks!