Night Street Photography Outing

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Senior Member
Dec 27, 2004
Balestier area
Night photography, by its very nature, is a subjective study. Almost every photographer at some point gets curious and wanders into the darkness with camera and tripod in hand. Night Photography has the ability to take a scene and cast it in an unusual light - much like the golden hour surrounding sunrise and sunset can add an element of mood and uniqueness to a sunlit scene. The most magical thing about the night is the element of surprise. One can never be sure of what will happen when the shutter opens after dark.

Many months ago I came across German photographer Horst Hamann's book, One Night on Broadway at a local bookstore and I was totally inspired by his work concept. By spending one night time (12 hours from 7pm to 7am the next morning) in New York City, he has had captured the night life essence of the metropolitan city, wandering from streets to streets, photographing. You can refer to the book here.

With this inspiring concept I hereby organize a night outing for the like-minded photographers. As Deepavali is just around the corner, the streets in Little India not only is decorated with colorful lightings but there are more than meets the eyes...

Please kindly read the details below:

Theme: Night Life in the Street
No. of Photographers: 5*
Venue: Little India
Date: 14 Oct 2006, Saturday
Time: 7:00 - 10:00pm
Meeting Point: Tekka Hawker Center, behind the bus-stop

What To Do:
a) To capture the busy night life, activities, people you have never seen before;
b) To be very aware of all that is going on around you and
c) be prepared to record the image as fast as you can, when it is ready in front of you.

- 35mm film AF/Manual SLR or rangefinder
- color negative or B&W film with high ISO, preferably 800 - 1600 e.g. Fujifilm Superia 1600 / Neopan 1600
- preferably with a fast lens e.g. 50mm f/1.8 or 28mm, 35mm wide angle lens and any standard zoom lens with f/2.8
- cable release

Do travel as light as possible. A tripod will slow you down in the street, though with a cable release, it is great for sneak shots where you do not have to put the camera up to yr eye. No flash is required as we want to capture the actual lighting climax and i'm sure you wouldn't want to annoy any of the street people you photograph or attract unnecessary attention. Use of fast lens and high film speed are strongly required for this outing.

*Note: This outing is opened for film photographers only.

Those who are keen and confirmed in this outing, please kindly PM me yr real name, contact number and email address so that we can keep in touch, should inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances stall the outing. Will reply ONLY to complete PMs. First-come-first-serve basis. Registration will close on Friday at 6:30pm.
Folks who signed up, please make a point to be punctual or early. We WILL NOT wait for late-comers.

Thank you for your time & interest. :)

i would like to join, but got to go for the Photomarathon. maybe next time.

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