Newbies Little India Outing 24 Apr 2004

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Sorry for the scandalmongers, I'm not going for the 8th May outing because

1. It's my working Saturday
2. Already booked by some friends for the evening.
3. No crush on any fellow CSers... most of you too young liao lah

sigrd said:
Sorry for the scandalmongers, I'm not going for the 8th May outing because

1. It's my working Saturday
2. Already booked by some friends for the evening.
3. No crush on any fellow CSers... most of you too young liao lah

haha.. dun b too serious... I'm just kidding... :)
too young? Wow... that's a compliment.. I seldom heard people saying that I am young... most of them say that I'm quite old already, in term of age... and appearance also...

trying to act old huh? give up bah :nono: u can tell she only goes for very old guys and rich

sigrd said:
Sorry for the scandalmongers, I'm not going for the 8th May outing because

1. It's my working Saturday
2. Already booked by some friends for the evening.
3. No crush on any fellow CSers... most of you too young liao lah

Nevermind lah! Can always go for the next one lor!!
Anyway, the "REAL" scandalmongers would not stop, just because you're not going lor! :bsmilie:

quekky said:
trying to act old huh? give up bah :nono: u can tell she only goes for very old guys and rich

Ha quekky wat a subtle 'hint' eh.. Hmm but u forget to write pretty handsome dudes tt calis is looking out for.

Here we go.. Only one pic for little india.. And I'm not even proud of it.. Still..


Err Mistress of the Night... may I know what were you trying to represent on the picture huh?

Anyway, have you considered adding noise to the photo to make it more like a painting? :D

foxtwo said:
theme can be: "RUIN"

"ruin" doesn't capture the essense of the picture, since the flora there spoil the effect somewhat... :(

weeds more like it.. anyway deserted ruins all mandatory to be covered by creepers wat... hehehe.. vamp's pic look very RUINed to me, imo. :)

slightly better...can be even my opinion should have the brownish the photos of iraq we see.....ya haha


Nope.. Not gonna go into wat I was tryin to convey.. Here.. Cos I did say my pics are crap.. Most of which I feel absolutely nothin for.. :cry:

Mr Cheat.. Did think instead of adding scratches.. But it's not a great pic in the first place.. Will see how..

Thank you all for the comments though.. I'd see wat else I can put up.. Would love to hear all your comments.. :)

Rite.. Just went to have a last look at wat I had taken on tht day..

Nothin worthy.. :cry:

Hope I'd do betta next time round.. Sigh..

any idea where i can upload photos for free??

w/o paying..
quick uploading
can file my photos properly..

Witness said:
any idea where i can upload photos for free??

w/o paying..
quick uploading
can file my photos properly..

use lah

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