Newbies, do you take nicer photos with your old compact or your new DSLR?

yeap i'm serious, when i did a side by side comparison, ixus has better colours, i'm just refering to a very ordinary shot at a foodcourt thats all. i did that just to test out hows the colors thats all lolx. hmm okie tks for the replies.

Bump up the saturation processing in your DSLR and see how that goes. It also depends a lot on the camera. Coming from m4/3 background, the Olympus camp is always boasting how their colours are nicer than Panasonic. But if we bump the saturation on the Panasonic, can also take nice colours. It all depends on the camera manufacturer. Even Panasonic PnS compared to Canon and some other PnS... their colour are not so saturated.

Mind you, out of sheer laziness, I shoot in JPG on my DSLR, so the photos have already been 'processed' in-camera. I can make 'em like my PnS (albeit much sharper :) ) with saturation, contrast etc turned way up, but the colours are way weird and an instant turn-off.

????? i shoot in jpg format using dslr too but in default settings. and ixus is way more vivid. just a very ordinary shot. colors in dslr are a bit dull when compared. so its not the jpg or raw format thingy, but the settings like what the rest has said i guess. i'll go play around with it.

I too face such problem when switching from a compact to a dslr.

Its only after;
a. I realised that I shouldn't be using the dslr like a compact
b. I understand and pick up the basics of photography and handling of a dslr
c. I shrug off the mentality of compact
d. I have a better understanding of the equipment I'm using
e. etc etc....
that I finally able to get some decent photographs using the dslr.

What you can do is to;
1. sign up, attend and participate in a good basic dslr photography course or
2. get a friend who is good, knowledgeable and willing to teach to guide you or
3. buy, read and practice with a good photography book as a guide to use your dslr.

P.S. one of the thing on shrugging off compact mentality is to start taking photos in raw format.
P.P.S. Quote "the best camera that you can have is the one you have with you now"

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an interesting thing for you to compare...

not too long ago, Top Gear was comparing between an Evo and a WRX and set a speed test with their racing driver to compare between the 2 cars.

A surprising result is that WRX is faster than the Evo in the hands of Stig (racing driver).

Conclusion is,
1. Evo at the hands of an average driver (or those who aren't good at driving) is faster than the WRX at the hands of an average driver
2. WRX is faster than the Evo when a pro is at its wheels.

Why...probably all the fancy gadgets in the Evo is giving a great deal of help to the average driver...and the WRX is... just what a pro need to be fast.....or at least faster than the Evo.

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Errr... No. For the lap test between WRX and Evo, they used the lower-powered version of the Evo to "be fair". With similar horsepower and less weight, of course the WRX won la :)

TS, perhaps to highlight what you're trying to say about the image quality of your pns being better than your dslr, could you do a side-by-side comparison shot? Tks!

TS, perhaps to highlight what you're trying to say about the image quality of your pns being better than your dslr, could you do a side-by-side comparison shot? Tks!

Here you go. Now that I compare them side by side (I purposely chose something colourful to shoot), there doesn't seem to be such a great difference afterall. Don't know why, but it seemed that way when I was looking through the shots from the DSLR in general... ;p


This was taken by my Canon EOS 500D, 18-135mm lens.


This was by Canon Powershot A630.

Yeah. I think you should sell away your DSLR.

New camera. So, also need new cameraman.

You've changed the camera already. Now, change yourself.

I too face such problem when switching from a compact to a dslr.

Its only after;
a. I realised that I shouldn't be using the dslr like a compact


you should be looking at hiring a photographer rather than a dSLR if you want nicer photos

There are many differences in p&s and dslr and both cam can produce great photos. I'm also a newbie, so I kind of understand your point. You can try taking night shots with your p&s and dslr to compare and you will see the differences.

Try to shoot more, go to the newbie outings.
You will be surprise how much you can learn.

If there's a need, use the AUTO dial. It's not advisable to use that, but sometimes after taking so many shots and you still cannot achieve the effect you went.. just use it.

It's all about trial and error..:D

sometimes dslr cannot look at the image quality based on the screen...the image usually appears nicer on the computer. but for p n s, appear nice on screen but not as great on computer

just have to play around with your dslr, u'll get used to it :)

i have mine for a year and i'm still learning :)

well. the only compact tat i can say will be better than the dslr (cause it is and dun argue.) is lomo cameras. something tat dslrs cannot and will not wanna imitate. imagine leaky cameras =.=