Newbies Canon

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New Member
Nov 6, 2009
I am jumping into the DSLR bandwagon for still shots n cos of newborn baby.

I have just decided on the Canon system but yet to hunt for a suitable outlet to get my stuff.

I have NO frds dat r into photography so noone to borrow or ask abt stuff. Most research are thru the forum.

I have a budget of SGD$2.5k for everything ie body, lens and storage n tripod. I hope not to upgrade my camera body for at least 3 yrs.

Wat wld u guys recommend? EOS 1000D, 500D or 50D?


for 2500 id look at a second hand 40D with maybe an ef-s 17-85mm
that still leaves you about 500-600 for a dry box and some other goodies.
looks like you just want to take happy snappys though so its also a good idea to stick maybe with a 1000D unless you want to get picky and say that you "need" spot metering and stuff like that... if youre just looking for a casual camera to whip out at family events then yes 1000D is definetely enough to suffice, and at $1000ish with a kit lens it'll leave a slightly less impressionable mark in your wallet.

my 2 cents worth...

Personally, I'd get a 2nd hand 30D(about 700)

With the remaining 1.8k, I'd get

1) Sigma 30mm f1.4
2) Canon 85mm f1.8
3) Canon 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 IS/Canon 55-250mm f4-5.6 IS
4) Etc

1 and 2 would do you well for your baby shots, and you can always use 3 for outdoor walkabouts to compliment your primes

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In view that you're not willing to spend more in the near future on your line up of equipment, I'd recommend the following for any casual trigger-happy photographer.

- 500D Kit II (with EF-S 18-200 IS) - $1900 - Take photos and videos with a 25X Optical zoom lens
- EF 50mm f/1.8 II - $120 - "Fun" and very good Lens cuz of DOF, google for samples
- Crumpler 5 Million Dollar Home - $121 - Trendy camera bag
- Fancier FT-6662A Tripod - $88 - Budget but with good features
- DigiCabi 30L Dry cabinet - $119

You should still have a couple hundreds more to spend either on memory cards (SanDisk Ultra II) or extra battery etc or even for extended warranty for the camera body.

Have fun.

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I'm also newbie like you, and i've recently purchased my first DSLR which is the 500D. so far, it's been impressive in terms of overall performance. read about the 500D reviews, and it is a good entry level DSLR, quoted as the most advanced entry level DSLR Canon ever made up to date! 50D might use most of your budget, so i would recommend 500D. it's affordable with new features and HD capabilities.

Hello, Starkiller. Firstly, a warm welcome to you.
I notice your wish not to upgrade your camera for about three years.
If that is the case, my humble suggestion would be for you to purchase a xxD series, e.g. 50D or 40D. Of course new ones available in the market are the 50D.
Buy 1. EF-S 17-85mm lens, and 2. EF 50mm f/1.8 lens.
Can get an entry level dry cabinet for about $100.
In my opinion, no rush to get a tripod, if you are going to photograph your little lovely one. I went without a tripod for years.

as i m new to camera/photography, secondhand camera is out cos i cant tell the condition of the camera n most likely i wld nd advice from where i got my camera a lot more, places like Harvey Norman is out.

Inclination is towards 50D but many of u guys hav suggested 500D is gd enuf. so shld i spend more for the body? Upgrade later on is not preferred.

- 500D Kit II (with EF-S 18-200 IS) - $1900 - Take photos and videos with a 25X Optical zoom lens
18-200mm is a 11.1x optical zoom lens....

Suggestion to TS: If you does not fancy video, I will recommend 1000D and invest on better optics. Go to Canon VIVO showroom and try out the cameras. If 50D fits your large hands, by all means get it.

With 2.5K, I recommend 1000D with 18-55mm IS kit lens or Tamron 17-50mm first, then slowly discover your own unique shooting style and upgrade your optics later. For your new born baby, grab the 50mm F1.8 lens. Buy 1000D/450D/500D and register online can get the 50mm F1.8 FOC. :)

Reserve $110 for a dry cabinet also. :)

You might consider Nikon D90 with Tamron 17-50mm lens with or without VC. This is another great combo in my POV.

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If the 1000D or the 500D's too small for your handling, add the battery grip. Try them out, see which fits better with you.

congrats Starkiller

i would also recommend 500D in your case because

- has video, presumably useful for short baby videos
- cheaper, good since you do not know yet if you want to dive into this hobby long term
- lighter, good esp when you need to carry baby barang around
- there is enough left for you to get various other items as suggested by others here

suggest one of the 500D kits because you save a bit.

if you go for 50D you are not stuck with the 17-55 kit as there are 2 longer lenses for you to choose from.

a 50 prime would be nice and cheap intro into using primes esp in lower light.

good luck!

Hmm.... I did make a post regarding buying from retailers (Harvey Norman) vs small shops (MS color/ J316 etc) in other posts... I do suggest that you read up and check out the other threads too.

The gist of it is that while HN may seem more inflexible with their pricing (closer to set RRP), the main advantage is that you can squeeze a fair bit of value in terms of bundles (buy-with-buy) and freebies (digicabi dry box, tripod etc). Smaller shops usually don't have such breadth or volume so they usually crank down individual pricing but are rigid about what they sell.

$2.5k is a fairly generous war chest for a starter kit. If you simply want to do basic photography 1000D is more than enough, then can slowly build up your lens array. However the 500D is arguably the sweet spot for you as that camera will definitely last for a looong while (again subjective, but it's a good camera). I only had a starting budget of 1.1k so it all boils down to how well you stretch it.

Cheers, welcome to the club.

Hi, since you are still a newbie, take time to explore and slowly build up your experience. I would recommend the 500D Kit II as u will have a general 18-200mm zoom lens + prime 50mm f/1.8. The rest of the funds can go into your drybox, memory cards, bag etc.

But do hands on before buying cos I started with 400D and subsequently upgrade to 40D due to the latter grip being more comfortable (bigger hands).

Happy learning and shooting~! :)

Hi Starkiller,

congrats to your newly contracted model for at least the next 10 years! :) Given that I have my own model contracted, I can understand your excitement too.

I'd counter-propose you alternative option - get a high-end PnS camera instead (e.g. Canon's new S90 or Lumix LX3).

Here's my reasoning:
1. Easy to carry around = more chances and occasions you'll use it capturing your model's growing moments. You'll already have a diaper bag, pram, etc, to carry on outings... oh, and your baby to carry from time to time.
2. These PnS have the same features that allows you to control, Time, Aperture and ISO value like DSLR does.
3. These PnS have F2.0 aperture - beats all the entry DSLR's kit lens pants down!
4. If you don't plan to get new lens for the next 3 yrs, then why pay more for a camera that allows and you don't use it? 3 yrs will fully depreciate anything you buy now anyway.
5. If it matters, they have as much attention (from people whose follow photography hardware) as an entry-level DSLR, or more.
6. You can always jump into DSLR in the next 3 yrs anytime. These are electronics consumables anyway - there'll be always a better version coming up every quarter (cross-brands). Also, it'll depreciate like your laptops too.
7. They are CHEAP!!

If you die die must get one - get the PnS AND a 2nd-hand body (1st owner absorbed most of the depreciation for you) + a prime lens (F1.4 or 1.8).

30mm prime lens is ideal for evening dinners (everyone's seated), family gathering kinda distance. It should take mid to full body portraits about 2-3m from you. Any lower focal length (i.e. <35mm) will cause distortions (imagine looking at yourself reflected off a giant silverball).

50mm is not suitable for the crop-sensors you mentioned as it will be too tight framing - restricted to mainly head-shots portraits.

Hope this help you re-consider your options. Have fun!!!

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Thanks for the advice guys, the advice so far seemed to favor 500D more.

I m inclined towards 50D n 500D now. Now reading which outlet has better after sale customer service, which is impt to me rather than asking here everytime there is a doubt. Originally, I was looking at Lumix3 but Minister of Finance willing to allow me to spend up to SGD$2.5k partly due to the newborn. I had thot of 50D bcos upgrading wld be difficult in the future, MoF will be doing her job, so a bettr body wld be gd. The difference is now the body will differ by how much. I will be doing most of the shooting at home.

My MoF will 'kill' me if 50D is much better than 500D cos it took a while for me to get this budget. She preferred not too entry level or basic, if so she wld have gotten PnS. But the $$ is still my own, she gives permission only so the dilemma is there, $ vs effectiveness.

so far, TK Foto n Cathy Photos seemed to have a gd after sale service fr the talks thou the price is not the best. Any contest?

I thk most married n wif newborn will understand how MoF will affect a guy interest.

Thx so far.

Definitely buying by next Sunday cos budget got lifespan. I thk married ppl wld understand.

Thanks for the advice guys, the advice so far seemed to favor 500D more.

I m inclined towards 50D n 500D now. Now reading which outlet has better after sale customer service, which is impt to me rather than asking here everytime there is a doubt. Originally, I was looking at Lumix3 but Minister of Finance willing to allow me to spend up to SGD$2.5k partly due to the newborn. I had thot of 50D bcos upgrading wld be difficult in the future, MoF will be doing her job, so a bettr body wld be gd. The difference is now the body will differ by how much. I will be doing most of the shooting at home.

My MoF will 'kill' me if 50D is much better than 500D cos it took a while for me to get this budget. She preferred not too entry level or basic, if so she wld have gotten PnS. But the $$ is still my own, she gives permission only so the dilemma is there, $ vs effectiveness.

so far, TK Foto n Cathy Photos seemed to have a gd after sale service fr the talks thou the price is not the best. Any contest?

I thk most married n wif newborn will understand how MoF will affect a guy interest.

Thx so far.

Definitely buying by next Sunday cos budget got lifespan. I thk married ppl wld understand.

congratulations on your newborn!

i'm a father of two lovely girls (one's two years and the other one's two months old) and i am speaking from experience when i say that you should buy the best equipment you can afford. kids grow up and change so quickly, and you'll find yourself reaching out for that camera every other day.

i started off with a 40d (actually an EOS 1000n 15 years ago ;p) and my wife really liked the pictures that were coming out from it. so much so that she fully supported my upgrade to a 5dm2. hehe. just let the pictures do the talking!

my advice to you would be to spend on a good lens instead. to be honest, the 500d and 50d are quite evenly matched in terms of IQ (if you don't pixel peep). i would recommend the 500d instead as you'd be able to shoot videos with the 500d. kids look great under natural light, so get a fast prime lens (50mm f/1.4 or 85mm f/1.8) to go with whichever body you decide to get. when your kid is a little older, you'll find that zoom lenses would be a lot more versatile as they run about so much and it will be a challenge to "zoom with your feet", so to speak.

well, let us know what you eventually decide on. photography is a pretty expensive hobby, so take it slow.

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For consideration:

HN offer extended warranty at a price, if that is a concern for you

you can also use credit card points to change for vouchers .

Personally, I'd get a 2nd hand 30D(about 700)

With the remaining 1.8k, I'd get

1) Sigma 30mm f1.4
2) Canon 85mm f1.8
3) Canon 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 IS/Canon 55-250mm f4-5.6 IS
4) Etc

1 and 2 would do you well for your baby shots, and you can always use 3 for outdoor walkabouts to compliment your primes

what's the advantage of 85mm, say to the other 2.8 zoom lens or my 25-105 F4 IS? is it worth it? maybe its around 500 bucks?

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