newbie shots


New Member
Mar 24, 2010
C&C's are highly appreciated. Hope to hear from you guys.
Using a 50mm reverse lens w/ DIY diffuser. All handheld.

#1. Baby Moth

#2. Meal time..



#5. Hey!! What are looking at?!

Welcome to the macro world. Shoot more and post...:thumbsup:

Pretty good for a newbie :thumbsup:

Good try, keep it up

dont look like a newbie shoot, very good pics ;)

like your baby moth.sooo:p cute.

all of them are considerably cute (except the #2. can't c wat's the thing its eating...":sweat: not bad for a noob. i gotta wait until darth vader's creater purchased a macro lens/ reverse ring/ (what else?!?!?!) first before i can post... very dependent on creater... :sweat:

thank you guy's for the comment.

Hi schnadzki

Tks for sharing, ur picture give me more power to practice macro within my budget.

schnadzki and other bros.

I love macro so much. I also try with the reverse lens but I cant take picture if I open the flash on the camera body (Nikon D80). Any one can help me pls? Any suggestion for me if I use reverse lens 35f1.8 in D80 for Macro photo pls?

Thanks to all