Newbie Reporting in!

tyvm everyone!!
so far i still like the canon series, looking at either a 500D or 50D or maybe a 550D if budget allows. ><
any suggestions for a good starting kit? budget probably around $1000SGD for a set...

hi everyone,
and thank you very much jimfwh for the time explaining and showing your 500D to me. sorry i didn't take it off your hands, and i hope my friend did contact you.

decided to expand the budget to the 60D and looking at kit I or II and slowly expand the budget depending on what i eventually decide on what's needed for my hobby!
Can anyone provide a rough price range for the 60D body/kit I/kit II?

Tried out the Nikon/Sony range and felt them a bit odd in my hands. The Olympus series didn't seat well in my hands also. so decided on the 60D after going to Vivo (Again) to test out the cameras there.

Anyone has any other tips/advice for me? thanks!
definitely not getting at the IT Fair in March going by the posts in the forums...