newbie nature shot Ducking duck

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Senior Member
May 16, 2004
Bedok South

Any comment........please :embrass:

can anyone tell me how to link the pic :sweat:

link is working now... prehaps it's the server?? :dunno:

Saw your pic... eh maybe a cam with longer zoom function or a longer zoom lens will help to bring the subject nearer so that details can be seem, anyway nice pics... ;)

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Very impressive pics you have MADCAT ...maybe can share some tips on shooting birds

nice try! :)

abit too centred for my liking but keep shooting! try to take time and compose your pictures! ;)

Thanks for your tips S WRX....

no worries. i don't know how to give tips tho.. just a newbie like you too! ;) only sharing what i've learnt from others here... hee..

maybe chngpe01/Fred/erwinx etc. can offer a better learning experience?


l like the Grey Heron & Koi/Carp picture a lot cos' theres a story-telling aspect. this particular pic... doesn't seem to have a point?

Now than I realise it.......thanks erwinx

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