Newbie Help.

I remember seeing in the papers last week that the 650d with 18-55 with other freebies is going at 900+ at Harvey Norman. Enjoy.

I remember seeing in the papers last week that the 650d with 18-55 with other freebies is going at 900+ at Harvey Norman. Enjoy.

Hi, as i was quote by slrr at 882 with bag, 8gb and card reader. Is it a better deal?

Hi, as i was quote by slrr at 882 with bag, 8gb and card reader. Is it a better deal?

Did you ask a couple of shops? Cathay Photo, John 3:16, TKfoto, MScolor, SLRR, Orient Photo (even Bally and Alan foto)? if yes, most will tell you what freebies they included. Do note that some of the freebies are not given out by the shop but by Canon, so you would get those freebies where ever you go. Do check up Canon's website to know which freebies are they giving out. When I got my 7D (a couple of years ago), Canon gave out 1 extra free battery, Canon messenger bag and a good tripod... so no matter which shop I went, I am entitled to all these freebies.

Hi, as i was quote by slrr at 882 with bag, 8gb and card reader. Is it a better deal?
Check the fine prints about warranty, but I suspect it's a local set. Stop fretting about a few bucks, go and get it. There's always a shop selling it cheaper, and you will find the shop after you got the cam.
Secondly: skip freebies like tripod, filters and other stuffs. Get it later once you know why you need it.