New Sony a700 firmware

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bro..i often ask myself and those around often do u use high iso and how often do u need razor sharp pic, if u shoot only landscape and still life. use tripod and low iso and stop down the aperture to f8-f11 comfirm pic sharp sharp.

Aiyah ............... here you go again with all that crap .................. :what:
Last Sunday, you first time go shoot Rugby ....................rain like crazy ..............:bsmilie:..

With A700, dun need to use tripod ............. :thumbsup:

ok..two comparison photos....left side is v1, right side v2.
iso3200, same aperture/shutter speed. not totally consistent la. but give u some guage. some might like the less noise, some might not...

first pict from jpeg, second compares the raw


Another website says this:

"We can confirm that ISO 3200 and 6400 JPEGs seem improved. ISO 1600 has a slightly finer noise pattern but it is hard to say positively that this is better. ISO 400 and 800 appear either unchanged, or slightly modified without significanltly lowering the visual level of JPEG noise."

"For ISO 6400 on neutrals/shadows these quick before and after shots show decent quality. The main benefit appears to be lower chroma noise in neutral midtones."

"On specific issue it corrects is the appearance of ‘mosaic patterns’ with higher ISO shots. It also improves colour rendering with different creative styles and gives a more accurate before-after split screen comparison mode."

so...version 2 got better or not?:sweat:
how come no ppl talk about it anymore?
is it because there are no big change?

That's because ppl here are more interested in taking photos than making comparisons.

That's because ppl here are more interested in taking photos than making comparisons.

beautifully said. i see all the flames in dpreview sony dslr forum and i asked myself, why waste time compare so much...the passion is to take photos and enjoy the process :)

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