Need some advice on event shooting and flash usage...

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I remember the HVL56 not being so expensive. Might get cheaper from other places like MS, OP or CP.... and dun bring your GF this time.

Ah... if GF = future wife... better not... hahahha else sure THUNDERSTORM one...

Tell her lor... it will be great to take pictures at night and its an investment. oh... one magic word... tell her that the price of flash and lens doesn't drop that much (which is true) and u can always sell it off later ;) 'bout getting one HVL56 and tell your GF that it was sponsored by your unit..;)
...then....treat her to a movie..:bsmilie:


Yeah she's my future wife i guess... already prepared a proposal ring awaiting collection..

Hmm i see some good "white lie" reference here. *jots in book of white lie" ;p
was thinking of buying the flash in Taiwan when i'm there for vacation in Jan, still researching...
Anyway i'll update u guys know how it went after the ordeal tomorrow. XD

Yeah she's my future wife i guess... already prepared a proposal ring awaiting collection..

Hmm i see some good "white lie" reference here. *jots in book of white lie" ;p
was thinking of buying the flash in Taiwan when i'm there for vacation in Jan, still researching...
Anyway i'll update u guys know how it went after the ordeal tomorrow. XD

good luck:sweat:

The external flash is extremely useful it'll probably help with autofocus under lowlight and you wont get red eyes. Onboard flash will have alot of red eyes be prepared, even if you can manage to diffuse it.

GF: HUH?!?!? 700 bucks for a flash?!?!How many thousands more you want to spend on your Dslr???
Jack : ...

tell her u need to spend more on your DSLR so that she will look like professional models/celebrities in the least this works for me... w00t ;)

I remember the HVL56 not being so expensive. Might get cheaper from other places like MS, OP or CP.... and dun bring your GF this time.

ya, tell her u got a good second deal from the B&S in CS...;)

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