Need help, virus in sd card


New Member
Sep 14, 2010
hi, recently my sd card got hit by trojan..i didnt know at 1st but ive been using it in my dslr for quite sometime..i wonder if the infected sd card virus could effect the cameras chip/processor inside it..and does it also effect the iso, mp, shutter and all in the system in the camera? so far i c nothing happens..but worried the infection of the virus take over the cam slowly..

nope. virus/worms are usually written for 1 platform(e.g. windows) and will not spread to the firmware of your camera :)

check if your camera has Windows installed, if not then you don't have to worry at all

If you are worry, Format your SD card with your camera built in function. Not delete but to format.

check if your camera has Windows installed, if not then you don't have to worry at all
haha, good one,if got windows maybe must install antivirus in DSLR...LOL..:bsmilie:

Oh dear, please dont insert your sd card into your PC after you're done with shooting it'll infect your pc.