Need advice.


New Member
Apr 5, 2012
Singapore, Singapore
Hi All,

Im using Canon 70D. Need some advice which lens is good for wedding. Mostly for the malay wedding at the void deck. Currently i have the 18-200mm lens but need another lens for better picture.


I dun suggest using prime for shooting wedding function, unless u got 2 body.
18-200mm is good but need to be careful of the f-stop as its not same ap through out

If budget is not a concern, I would highly recommend the Canon 17-55 f/2.8 IS. The only disadvantage is that the focal range is limited. However if it is coupled with another camera and the 70-200 f/2.8 IS then you've got your all your bases covered.

If budget is a concern, then the 18-200 would suffice however, there may be some issues in dim lighting.

Thanks all for the input. Actually thinking of getting 85mm f1.8 but need to have more advice here.

@catchlight as I'm using my 18-200mm during low light I'm having problem with it so i need another lens that have better low light shooting. I'm new to this so asking all the pro here more help and advice. :)

85mm may be too tight for apsc. Can look at canon 17-55 f/2.8 or the Sigma 17-50 f/2.8. Currently I am using the Sigma most of time if I only carry one body and lens.
Btw do you have a Speedlite?

The 85mm f/1.8 is a great lens for portraiture but I wouldn't consider it for a wedding.

It is too tight on an APSC camera... with the crop factor taken into consideration, your focal length looks more like 135mm.

A prime lens has its place, but I would consider it too limiting for wedding photography especially if it is the only lens used.

Get the Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 cheap and will serve all your needs

Malay wedding got lots of opportunity for bouncing flash, got ceiling, got lots of white colour satin
buy 3 flash guns + 4 yongnuo transmittor (cannot remember what model number. anyway i think only 1 model only) + 3 giant flash clips (can get from red dot photo. can clip the flash guns to some tentage structure)

night time
flash: power 1/8, widest widest angle possible (i think 35mm? i cant remember)
body: iso: 400, shutter: 1/160, aperture: ownself adjust

day time:
flash: put the auto mode, donno call what
body: av mode, iso: 400, shutter: 1/200

dumping one hell of light will increase your picture quality ;p
cheap flash got yongnuo
mid flash got nissin

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Thanks all for the input. Actually thinking of getting 85mm f1.8 but need to have more advice here.

@catchlight as I'm using my 18-200mm during low light I'm having problem with it so i need another lens that have better low light shooting. I'm new to this so asking all the pro here more help and advice. :)
looks like you are shooting events with available light, getting a decent hot shoe flash is a better solution for shooting events.

anyway, those pro grade zoom lens have constant aperture of f2.8, compare to your existing lens is 1 1/2 stop to 2 stops different, if you think that is good enough, that just get it, but do note such lenses are much shorter coverage than your existing lens.

as for using prime lenses, you will able to get 2 1/3 stops more lights enter the camera
, but you will have to be more pro active to move around to frame your shots.

Malay wedding got lots of opportunity for bouncing flash, got ceiling, got lots of white colour satin
buy 3 flash guns + 4 yongnuo transmittor (cannot remember what model number. anyway i think only 1 model only) + 3 giant flash clips (can get from red dot photo. can clip the flash guns to some tentage structure)

night time
flash: power 1/8, widest widest angle possible (i think 35mm? i cant remember)
body: iso: 400, shutter: 1/160, aperture: ownself adjust

day time:
flash: put the auto mode, donno call what
body: av mode, iso: 400, shutter: 1/200

dumping one hell of light will increase your picture quality ;p
cheap flash got yongnuo
mid flash got nissin
Bro, I don't think TS has used external flash before, you straight away recommend using 3 lights, might be a problem. Where to place the lights, where to aim them etc. all are important variables to consider when using flash. Easiest (not most optimal/best) way to use flash if you don't know anything about it yet is IMO to start with one flash only, put it on camera and bounce it off stuff. As you yourself said, there's plenty of opportunity in Malay weddings to bounce flash.

If you choose to get a flash, just remember that whenever you can, just bounce the flash off something. It can be off to the side, the ceiling, even a wall behind you. The objective is to make the light softer by making the light source bigger (so obviously the surface that you want to bounce the light off has to be reasonably big). But if the thing you bounce off is too far, even if your flash has enough power, the light will still be harsh (think of the sun, a huge light source, causing harsh shadows because it's very far away).

Hi All,

Im using Canon 70D. Need some advice which lens is good for wedding. Mostly for the malay wedding at the void deck. Currently i have the 18-200mm lens but need another lens for better picture.


I would recommend
zoom -> 24-70mm / F2.8L (39-112mm / F4.5)
prime -> 50mm / F1.2L (80mm / F2)

Good Luck :lovegrin:


got time to learn, get a flash. You don't want to spent half the time figuring out what's wrong during the wedding if anything **** up.

no time to learn, consider a 17-55 f/2.8. Much easier to learn and get use to the shorter focal length which you should be familiar already with the 18-200.

primary photographer, can consider the flash

secondary photographer, avoid flash (personal opinion). You don't want a flash fight with the main photog during the wedding.


Like some have mentioned, I would recommend getting a flash over getting a new lens. Even if it's f2.8, f1.4, f1.2, there is still a limit to how much light and at what shutter speed you can achieve.

There are even times where large aperture lens is not really desired because of the lack of depth of field where some parts of the face is out of focus... artistic it can be, but not sure if the "client" will find it artsy. During that kind of situation, a flash is generally better.

Edit: I think CamInit have a point too. I won't recommend using flash If you are not the main photog, Unless you have some arrangement with the main photog.

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Yes, I agree that flash is more important.

the lens he using can cover all the range is not the lens problem is lighting problem le

18-200mm has a decent sharpness....
lighting tend to b an issue hence i do agree with many of them... get yourselves a flash instead!
if unsure of bounce light... put a diffuser cap n point it 45 degree upward....
the point is... at least u get the photos which allows u to do editing in the final stage to achieve wat u wanna...

if u can't even get the photo (or rather to say.. way too dim to the extend whrby u will introduce lots of noise when u push up your exposure during PP...) u gonna suck thumb badly

Wedding pictures are usually not field tests for thin depth of field. People want to see the entire group sharp. Stopping down is mandatory and any advantage of fast lens is gone. Light is needed, get a flash.