NDP 2006 happenings

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AReality said:
I believe the embargo is for the media only?
If i walk in freely to shoot, and I own the copyrights, means I can post?

Please try not to. I know you own the rights to the pictures but please try not to post them and respect the wishes of the NDP OC. Thanks.

S11loop said:
So does this message mention anything about using my pass with my face and info on it and pass it to someone else to use ? :dunno:

:bsmilie: OMG ... Is my english so "chim" for someone who has a " FANTASTIC " command of english to understand ?

The sentence Sehsuan highlighted, to most understanding will be, "You are asking someone to takeover you and your pass if you are not free. NDP is a tight security event venue, individual pass will be issue. Just a reminder, all SAF passes are not transferrable, regardless "T" or "V" pass. If you "lend" to someone, 2 cases can be seen,

i: you have lose your pass,

ii: someone steal it from you,

of any above case, you can be charge for not reporting lose.:nono:

My 1 cent of advice, since you have so many good photographers friend, I think there is no need to broadcast yourself for not being free to take photos and ask for someone to take over you. If you are on a job, and your clients know that u ask for help in the forum, I guess your client will lose trust in you, or course, bad news spread fast....

Since You have sold off your equipment, hopefully the "organising committee" you are working with can provide you with equipment for you to enjoy taking pictures on NDP. :D

Enjoy the National Event.

Anyway, i have been approach by SAF Day organising committe to cover SAF Day for couple of years, I have rejected them. So it's no big deal even if u the the one and only being selected for 2006... It's good to share, but don't show off. there is a higher mountain infront of the one u are looking at.;)

jeremyftk said:
Please try not to. I know you own the rights to the pictures but please try not to post them and respect the wishes of the NDP OC. Thanks.

Hi jeremyftk,

U can prevent, but u can't stop them.... Copyright issue are being mention as personal rights than the true copyrights, so stay cool... ;) if not u'll have to start a new thread on copyrights... ;p

anyway, the organising committee's OFFICIAL photographers should know the "result" if they have post the photos on the forum, they have their own preventive measure... if not, u will be seeing tons of official photographer's photos on the forum since the pass years...

most of the photos seen on forum for the pass years are not from the official photographer, so don't worry too much...:D

photo_kbc said:
The sentence Sehsuan highlighted, to most understanding will be, "You are asking someone to takeover you and your pass if you are not free. NDP is a tight security event venue, individual pass will be issue. Just a reminder, all SAF passes are not transferrable, regardless "T" or "V" pass. If you "lend" to someone, 2 cases can be seen,

i: you have lose your pass,

ii: someone steal it from you,

of any above case, you can be charge for not reporting lose.:nono:

My 1 cent of advice, since you have so many good photographers friend, I think there is no need to broadcast yourself for not being free to take photos and ask for someone to take over you. If you are on a job, and your clients know that u ask for help in the forum, I guess your client will lose trust in you, or course, bad news spread fast....

Since You have sold off your equipment, hopefully the "organising committee" you are working with can provide you with equipment for you to enjoy taking pictures on NDP. :D

Enjoy the National Event.

Anyway, i have been approach by SAF Day organising committe to cover SAF Day for couple of years, I have rejected them. So it's no big deal even if u the the one and only being selected for 2006... It's good to share, but don't show off. there is a higher mountain infront of the one u are looking at.;)
Thanks and appreciate for yr advice , sad to say some people understand simple english and some still dont .. I would appreciate anyone who is so concern about this to stay away from this matter anymore . If u still interested to talk abt it pls start yr own thread and yr discussion . And I must say I feel very happy for u because u have been approach by the SAF day organising committe and u reject them ( while for me I cant reject ) ... working in the exco p2 team I actually know who they had approach before :cool: and i can tell u seriously its nothing , i treat it as plain luck and i dont know why others take it so hard when they are not selected .

Looking at things at a more positive manner , I just take it that it's just some common old dirty tricks in the trade trying to kill off the new and weaker one when they cant eat the grapes . Nothing to show off as i am just a newbie but trying to be rude and trying hard to push off newbies is that what a pro suppose to do ?

Learn to respect others first before expecting others to respect you if u have nothing to let people to respect of in the first place . Peace , this thread started first to provide info on the ndp06 and look at it now ? I feel sorry for those who came here to find some info and get caught in the crossfire , seriously speaking do u mind if other people dig into yr private conversation with yr fellow buddy and tell everyone about it ? What is the real intention behind it ? The big picture is very clear now ... Well I shall end my 2 cent here , anybody who still feel not happy with the situation can always feel free to pm me :) and i urge that we keep this thread clean for fellow members who is interested in the ndp info .

To the MOD time to clean up some rubbish seriously ... Thanks

If it's under PRIVATE forum, no one can read and comment or give others a chance to dig everything out, but its in an open topic where everyone can read.

Whether grapes are sour, it depends on how each takes it. Respect is to be earn, not given. If u have already learn to respect others, learn to earn the respect from others...

Since your unit is working FOR SAF Day, mean u are DEPLOY and not SELECTED among the double figure number of photographers, don't have to blow about it...

photo_kbc said:
If it's under PRIVATE forum, no one can read and comment or give others a chance to dig everything out, but its in an open topic where everyone can read.

FG is a PRIVATE forum, duno which person dug up other's private stuff to spew here...

photo_kbc said:
Since your unit is working FOR SAF Day, mean u are DEPLOY and not SELECTED among the double figure number of photographers, don't have to blow about it...

His unit got quite a few photogs, not all shooting, so he was the one SELECTED to shoot it.
Even if he was blowing anything, he was blowing it to his pals in a PRIVATE forum, why is there so much concern over it?

hazekang said:
FG is a PRIVATE forum, duno which person dug up other's private stuff to spew here...

His unit got quite a few photogs, not all shooting, so he was the one SELECTED to shoot it.
Even if he was blowing anything, he was blowing it to his pals in a PRIVATE forum, why is there so much concern over it?

WE are not members in the forum, and if we can view and read, still consider as private??

Private means- OPEN but cannot see, if see, those who saw are at fault??

If possible kindly explain the term "PRIVATE FORUM" to enlighten me... Thanks in advance

Hi photo kbc and sehsuan,

I understand and appreciate your concern about the matter, although I'm not sure I understand nor appreciate sehsuan's personal attacks on Clement's command of English. But that, I leave aside.

So let's just clear up the air. It has been mentioned already, but I'll say it again. The pass is NOT being transferred. A new one will be made for whoever who is going in his stead. So can we stop going on and on about the issue of the pass? The warning and advise is duly appreciated, and no one is going to do something that will get them charged. Your kind concern has been noted, thank you.

As for showing off. Sigh. None of us think that Clement is showing off. He is merely expressing is gratitude for the opportunity to shoot. As so kindly pointed out earlier by sehsuan, his English is not superb. However, we on the private forum all know each other personally, so we are well aware of what he is trying to express. It's fine to suggest to him that he might sound like he's showing off, but to assume and accuse him of so, without even knowing him, and using words that he is not showing to anyone but his friends, now that's really going too far. It's not like he's broadcasting for everyone like you and sehsuan to see, unless you guys go into our forum to dig it up.

With regard to our private forum. Well. If you really want to debate it, we can go on forever. Suffice to say, we didn't expect people to come digging. It's like I have a garden in my house, and I plant bonsai there. Then someone walk by, see my bonsai, say I show off expensive plant. What can I do? It's on my private property, but don't mean I fence up ALL of my garden, or don't plant my bonsai. It's not like I purposely thrust the plant in your face and say 'NAH! Eat that!'

So once again, thank you so much for your concern in our private matters, and we have learnt valuable lessons from this, as much as the rest who are following this thread have. And oh, thanks for the lessons on semantics. It was really valuable too.



Thanks for enlightening all these. Thanks for your bonsai example, if u scare of people to give comment, either keep the bonsai in the house or don't plant. People outside the house cannot reach but they can see, but u can't stop them from comments. Different individual have different ways of handling issues... For me, I'll let them talk and comment. I can't shut their month from comments or spreading words...

Words can be in many terms and meaning if its not use properly...

photo_kbc said:

Thanks for enlightening all these. Thanks for your bonsai example, if u scare of people to give comment, either keep the bonsai in the house or don't plant. People outside the house cannot reach but they can see, but u can't stop them from comments. Different individual have different ways of handling issues... For me, I'll let them talk and comment. I can't shut their month from comments or spreading words...

Words can be in many terms and meaning if its not use properly...

Yes, I agree with you, photo kbc. I can't shut their mouth from comments or spreading words, but I'm always greatful and appreciative of those who are matured and discerning enough to be avoid such pitfalls, that's all.

After all, I buy a bonsai plant to plant outside. Who cares what others think? But we always respect and be courteous to others. You rub my back, I rub yours. You throw rubbish on my lawn, I'll plant **** on yours. Simple as that.

Hopefully we can end on this note, and end amicably. Let the threadstarter's original topic continue.

jeremyftk said:
Please try not to. I know you own the rights to the pictures but please try not to post them and respect the wishes of the NDP OC. Thanks.
Ehhh... back to topic.

Tml i'm going as a guest, in the spectators' area. So i assume I can post some pics here after the event? No pt shooting there and come back cannot show u all the fun we had... Assume I dun give a damn about the NDP OC; not my biz.

Or am i still not allowed to?


Just wanna know if I can get sued for posting.


AReality said:
Ehhh... back to topic.

Tml i'm going as a guest, in the spectators' area. So i assume I can post some pics here after the event? No pt shooting there and come back cannot show u all the fun we had... Assume I dun give a damn about the NDP OC; not my biz.

Or am i still not allowed to?


Just wanna know if I can get sued for posting.


not sure if they can or will sue you. from what i hear, there are some things that the organizer would like to keep under wraps until they do an official press release. what jeremy is asking is for those attending to accede to the organizer's request.

besides...maybe you can treat this as an exercise in selfcontrol :bsmilie:

AReality said:
Ehhh... back to topic.

Tml i'm going as a guest, in the spectators' area. So i assume I can post some pics here after the event? No pt shooting there and come back cannot show u all the fun we had... Assume I dun give a damn about the NDP OC; not my biz.

Or am i still not allowed to?


Just wanna know if I can get sued for posting.


most likely i won't post. recently there's someone who posted some photos of the rehearsal but i think the thread was being deleted pretty soon. :think:

so i guess it's still better to keep those photos till after ndp?

Put it this way, you'd want to keep things a surprise for those who are going to watch it in some form anyway. :)

redstone said:
Where would the fireworks for SFF be launched?

there is a full dress rehersal later.. is there any fireworks ??

Garion said:

But think you can still catch the flypast...ard 6.45-7.00pm.

yea.. i know.. got parachutes too...

ok, I understand that the media embargo is mean to keep the NDP programme a surprise for the rest of the nation. Also like big stars they don't want to show any pictures of anything until they look perfect, or before the program is finalised. I grant that.

On the other hand, as a member of the public I am not under their jurisdiction so this is purely an exercise in self control. But then again 'they' never told me cannot post my pictures ;p (but jeremy is telling us now, and I suppose he is part of 'them').

Putting that aside, I was there on Saturday in the audience because I have a ticket. There must be around 50,000 people there. Thousands and thousands of cameras I'm sure. Without trying hard, I already see 3 slrs within 10 metres of me, one with a canon white lens too. Is the programme happenings still considered under wraps?

So my question is, when can people post their pictures taken? AFTER the media carries them I suppose?

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