National Service Recognition Award : National Day Rally

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$9k in, $9k out. better than $0 in, $9k out. :)

Agreed. $9000 for everyone who goes through NS is a lot of money, no joke. Even if there are restrictions, there are still people who benefit from it. It's still better than not giving out money, or maybe we will all be happy when they don't give us any money :)

Be afraid... be very afraid... 10% GST coming..:bsmilie::bsmilie:

we just wait and see the details. that amount is just 'an amount'. how we NSman benefited from it, will be subjective. some of us still serving,some just 'retired' and some on reserve troop.

question is, will we,sons of this country who serve NS, get equally?:dunno:

It's still better than not giving out money, or maybe we will all be happy when they don't give us any money :)

sometimes this is not very true. You never heard before "give you an egg, take back a whole chicken"? :bsmilie:

i really hope that they stop giving out money. it will mean that in the future the education fee and housing price will also increase.
sioa life getting harder in singapore

Agree, but for 2 reasons,

- I m not a beggar n

- the money still comes from the pple thru taxes.

Why would I want charity that's from my own pocket?


sometimes this is not very true. You never heard before "give you an egg, take back a whole chicken"? :bsmilie:
Just heard :bsmilie:
Agree, but for 2 reasons,

- I m not a beggar n

- the money still comes from the pple thru taxes.

Why would I want charity that's from my own pocket?

$9000 is a lot of money, it may not be a lot to you, but it is to many people in SG. The tax thing...well, just take it as part of giving back to society. It's part of the capitalist system anyway, redistributing income. It's always the middle-class who suffers the most in taxes, the rich have too much money anyway, and the poor get the money from the taxes. Middle class suck thumb.

Those finish NS haven MR got or not ? i already contribute leh...somemore 2 + 1/2 yrs, not 2 yrs...

9K better than nothing... those haven contribute got 9K, those already contribute how...

Plus 13 yrs reservist cycle.

Hopefully those MR get something.

if everybody has 9000 in their pocket. let assume most add this 9000 to purchasing a house. they are willing to fork out 9000 cash as COV. do you think there is a diff?

or most have extra 9000 budget for a house at good location or higher floor, everybody fighting to maximise this 9000; it will jolly well jack up the price again...

oh please.

yesterday, wanted to get a house to settle down in the far north. told the agent that i willing to pay 20k to 30k COV (heartache because it is hard earn money and also some money to buy furniture, cooker, ..)..

the agent tell me straight in my face that now COV now is 40K ; COV 30K is very difficult.. :sweat:

The labelled old Singaporeans will know that the S$9000, comes with many strings attached and are worried as the help comes in paying more.

Just look at the GST credit, on the day that it was given out, the electricity tariffs also goes up.

According to the Ministry of Defence Director Manpower, Mr Tan Kok Yam, Full-time National Servicemen and Operationally Ready National Servicemen must have reached the milestones on or after 29 Aug this year to be eligible for the award.

Means what ah? Me ORD in 2002 lei...

seems like it applies only to those who reach the milestones on or after 29 Aug?
those who already MR'ed will receive nothing ?

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