Nagoya camera shop selling used RF lenses?


Dec 6, 2004
I'll be spending a week in Nagoya in March. Does anyone have recommendations for reputable camera shops selling used RF lenses?

Your hints and tips are much appreciated. Couldn't find any specific advice after a forum search. Apologies if this has been answered before.

Ohtsuka Shokai is a well known used camera store in Nagoya. I've never been to their store, but have seen their booth at camera shows in Tokyo.

Link to their Leica stock here.

In and around the Osu Kannon area there are/were quite a few used camera stores.

Ohtsuka Shokai is a well known used camera store in Nagoya. I've never been to their store, but have seen their booth at camera shows in Tokyo.

Link to their Leica stock here.

Thanks a lot jonmanjiro! I've had a look at their website and will be sure to check them out when I go.

In and around the Osu Kannon area there are/were quite a few used camera stores.

I'll go and look around that area to see what stores there are. Thank you very much for your advice!