My wishlist of toys - or what i have been poisoned

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New Member
my wishlist for toys i have been wanting forever
here's the ones i can think of atm.

Write down your list... heehee

My Wishlist

Stuff being wanting to get all these years but no $$
Polaroid Daylab 120 and 35
Polaroid SX70
Bessa L
contax G1/2
Zork T/S panorama and Zork pro shift
Konica Hexar
Mamiya 7
Minox 35mm GL/GT
Hassy Xpan II
Argus C or C3
Zeiss Ikon
Baldina super 14
Ricoh auto half EF
A working Bosley C22
Any folding Certo bellini
Sputnik stereo or any german stereo
Moskva 5 (later model) and Moskva 2
Widelux f8
olympus miu the first one

Recent Poisoned List

Minox Leica mini digital
Minox Rollei mini digital
Polaroid 663

Woahhhhh :bigeyes: ... er, nice list. So you want us to suffer from the same debilitating-on-the-wallet condition right? :bsmilie:

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