My video entry

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Hi all!
I am joining a video contest on

I need comments on my video. I wana know if I am able to deliver the message.
Pls. help. Good or bad I'll take it.
here's the link, Thanks!


Yoh Man!

You wanted good or bad dude..Well, the good thing is that it's pretty kewl
and the message i feel is present.
The bad part i think is that it's all just texts so i dont know if that is what
they are looking for.. there again all the best!!


Hehe! Thanks! They already have a winner. Better try my luck next time. Thanks again!:)

i hope my comments din come too late.. .. i felt that the words were difficult to read.. reason being .. u had too many of them coming out at one goal.. i always follow this rule: haf a centre of focus.. sth that the audience/viewer can look at/ focus on .. that is where i put my screen elements to convey the msg..

beta luck nxt time :P

i like the text effect when my life changed to my lot. thought that was quite cool. what did you use huh? :embrass:

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