My Round the World Trip


#5 antarctica, Gentoo penguins by the thousands
The gentoo has a black head with white eyelids, and a distinct triangular white patch above each eye, usually extending over the head.

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Hi, was reading this thread this morning and I really salute you for your courage in doing a RTW trip.

Hope you don't mind that I link this thread and your blog to my blog as my reading list. =)

what can i say? 4 hours of reading through everything and at times, a trinket of tear nearly came out. kudos to you TS. For doing what we can't bring ourselves to do. For doing what we can only dream of. Your photos does indeed tell a story. A story of making dreams come true.

Hi, was reading this thread this morning and I really salute you for your courage in doing a RTW trip.
Hope you don't mind that I link this thread and your blog to my blog as my reading list. =)

what can i say? 4 hours of reading through everything and at times, a trinket of tear nearly came out. kudos to you TS. For doing what we can't bring ourselves to do. For doing what we can only dream of. Your photos does indeed tell a story. A story of making dreams come true.

Thanks for reading up on my thread. I am also benefiting from sharing my blog and photos and it brings back so much memories and I miss that carefree lifestyle a lot.

Of course I dont mind that you subscribe to the blog, makes me work a little harder re-posting my memories as it is easy to let the other matters overtake my life.

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#6 Antarctica , Antarctic Baby Fur Seal
They look so cute here but the adult seals are quite scary as they canweigh up to more than 100 pounds. Fur seals are the smallest seals and closely related to dogs and sea lions, able to walk on all fours

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#7 Antarctic, Going for the kill
This was a difficult sight to bear. We witness the leopard seal going for the kill. although I know it is life cycle but its hard not to keep my fingers cross and hope the penguin weill get away. After 10 minutes of near-miss, the leopard seal finally got what it set out to get.
Couldnt help feeling a twitch in my stomach as the penguin turned into a bloody mess

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#8 antarctica, The leoaprd seal

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Great shot! The Leopard Seal appears to be posing against an equally compelling backdrop. :thumbsup: kudos to you.

Judging from the shots posted on this thread, I think you seems to have an innate sense of composition. This doesn't comes easy, keep it up as your photographs has inspired many including myself. Thanks for sharing. You have my admiration.

This island was littered with fur seals of all sizes. We were taught how to react if one decides to attack.

#9 Antarctica, Male Fur Seal
The moment we landed on the island, we have about an hour to explore the place. I thread my way carefully, zig-zagging between the fur seals amidst their growls and roars. This particular one got a little uptight around me as I might be too close for comfort.. he eyed me as I made my way around him.. suddenly he roared and started to flapped towards me. Dont be trick by their weight. They move mighty fast. I looked around me, no one was around and i was between him and the cold sea of Antarctica. I saw in my mind the headlines " Singaporean mauled In Antarctica" Suddenly the instruction came back... I took a step forward (its hard to do that in that moment of fear) clapped my hand loudly and shout ( although I think it came out like a squeak, squeak squeak)
he looked at at me balefully and decided to leave me alone

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Awe inspiring thread :thumbsup: Reading the description really helps to convey the feelings experiences of the journey.

guess the most inspiring message of this thread is actually stepping out to fulfil that dream despite all the 'risks'.

Too many beautiful photos to quote, keep them coming !

Btw, feel your photos are actually improving over the course of your journey :)

Subscribed to Thread


Hands up on you. I wanted to travel like you did. But right now, i only do short travels (1 or 2 weeks). Although my job really gives me opportunity to travel every other month ( I work 1 month ON and OFF). But like you just said in start of your thread, decisions and sacrifices has to be done. maybe i can do the same trip but in every other month...:) really can' leave my job for now... :(

Hey there, 1-2 weeks is the norm for almost all of us (including myself as I am back in the rat race). I am familiar with that kind of travelling although I've mentioned before, it usually leaves me with some post travel blues as I felt that I have spent enough time knowing the country, the people and the culture (which is also my favourite part of travelling)

For me, i just love adventures and the feeling of not knowing what will happen, where will I be the next day which which prompt me to take a chance in life.

anyway, it doesnt matter how you travel, as long as you keep that spirit alive. Cheers


Hands up on you. I wanted to travel like you did. But right now, i only do short travels (1 or 2 weeks). Although my job really gives me opportunity to travel every other month ( I work 1 month ON and OFF). But like you just said in start of your thread, decisions and sacrifices has to be done. maybe i can do the same trip but in every other month...:) really can' leave my job for now... :(

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#10 - Antarctica, The coloured Continent.
We all have the image in our mind of pristine white Antarctica, which is probabably correct for the most part. with the masses of Gentoo Penguins inhabiting the islands, often the smell of poop is overwhelming and this is the sight of penguin guano which welcomes us. The pink stains of their poo - coloured from the planktonic krill that they eat. I read somewhere it is so bad that it can also be seen from space.

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#10 - Antarctica, The coloured Continent.
We all have the image in our mind of pristine white Antarctica, which is probabably correct for the most part. with the masses of Gentoo Penguins inhabiting the islands, often the smell of poop is overwhelming and this is the sight of penguin guano which welcomes us. The pink stains of their poo - coloured from the planktonic krill that they eat. I read somewhere it is so bad that it can also be seen from space.

hv not been back to this thread for a while.. am happy that i did.. nice pics from antartica.. liked this too.. if onli u can shoot a bit wider.. would have been great..

Just want to let you know how inspiring you are. You made me speechless.... bow....

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hv not been back to this thread for a while.. am happy that i did.. nice pics from antartica.. liked this too.. if onli u can shoot a bit wider.. would have been great..

Thanks Will. Its been a while since I got some critic session from you guys:)
Stay tuned as i think my journey still very long to go..LOL

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Just want to let you know how inspiring you are. You made me speechless.... bow....
Thanks Dreamsz... I hope it will inspire you and many others to go out there and explore this beautiful planet.. Cheers


# Antarctica, The dance of the penguins

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Never get tired of reading your thread!! So good

Thanks will. Its been a while since I got some crtic session from you guys:)
Stay tuned as i think my joruney still very long..LOL

sure .. am definitely lookign forward to your images..
as i said b4.. u hv got potential and a good eye too...