My Newbie toy shot series ^^ seems like there are still 1 or 2 ppl browsing my thread..i guess i shdnt just let it die like that right?!! hahaha..heres some danbo's shot that i took previously and "forget" to update here =x

i Fork you =p

new definition of study = texting,eating,msning,facebooking and tweeting with an open textbook nearby

the last battle (pardon for my crapping hand drawn

spray & pray *inspired by wtd* just incase u dont understand the meaning of spray and pray..maybe u shd check out wikipedia XD

wooow.... it back alive!!

wooow.... it back alive!!

hahah..u can see thru my Facebook ma&#8230;i never stop..just that the production line is getting slow >_<

Cool works! nice art direction and concept! 2 thumbs up

glad u like my works..thanks!

You are AWESOME...

all of us are awesome! XD thanks =)

Gr8 shots man! I love this:

thanks bro&#8230;glad that there r ppl who like my work =)

new user here was intending to be a silent reader but I just had to tell you: keep shooting because there'll always be people who love your work! :)

new user here was intending to be a silent reader but I just had to tell you: keep shooting because there'll always be people who love your work! :)

haha..thanks there!!! I'm so glad that another silent reader had just donated me a first XD
was a lil bit depress today coz somehow i always felt that still life shooters are usually neglected&#8230;.there are ppl who shoot portraits..there are ppl who shoot landscapes..blablabla..but i always get this question "hey achew..what else u can shoot other than danbo??" lol...

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achewlim said:
haha..thanks there!!! I'm so glad that another silent reader had just donated me a first XD
was a lil bit depress today coz somehow i always felt that still life shooters are usually neglected….there are ppl who shoot portraits..there are ppl who shoot landscapes..blablabla..but i always get this question "hey achew..what else u can shoot other than danbo??" lol...

You're good at what you do!! Many can't even dream of taking pictures with your style.

I'm guessing people that say that only know how to look at the pictures. Hehe. :p

You're good at what you do!! Many can't even dream of taking pictures with your style.

I'm guessing people that say that only know how to look at the pictures. Hehe. :p

haha..don be surprised..most of them were photographers&#8230;but well i dont really take those words to heart.. =)

haha..thanks there!!! I'm so glad that another silent reader had just donated me a first XD
was a lil bit depress today coz somehow i always felt that still life shooters are usually neglected&#8230;.there are ppl who shoot portraits..there are ppl who shoot landscapes..blablabla..but i always get this question "hey achew..what else u can shoot other than danbo??" lol...

my personal opinion that for still life shooter.... you have to "work harder" to create the scene and squeeze every creative juice out to make it work and still original.

I have been waiting for quite a while to "catch" your latest work. Keep it up. :)

give this awesome thread a bump.

provides great viewing pleasure!

my personal opinion that for still life shooter.... you have to "work harder" to create the scene and squeeze every creative juice out to make it work and still original.

I have been waiting for quite a while to "catch" your latest work. Keep it up. :) it macro/portrait/landscape/still life or wadever side of photography..we just shouldn't compare it against each other..its like comparing apple n orange..some might be targeting the "niche market"..but i dont think that makes it easier than the rest&#8230;..
well..thanks for waiting for my can really feel that both my speed and quality is dropping drastically&#8230;hope u all can tahan for the time trying to get out of my own bottle neck >_<

More more! Who gives a **** what u shoot. Good photographer = good photographer.. Be it what genre bro. Keep it up!

happy new yr guys~~


support this thread~

seems like troopers and danbo are one of the popular game - DrawSomething's fans too~


high-res wallpaper can be download from my flickr Flickr: achew *Bokehmon*'s Photostream

Great shot !, what a coincidence, I just came out similar idea on Draw Something yesterday after purchasing my galaxy note. Do u mind I show mine out. ^^

Great shot !, what a coincidence, I just came out similar idea on Draw Something yesterday after purchasing my galaxy note. Do u mind I show mine out. ^^
well y not~~

just realized that you have a thread here, somemore is highlighted. haha nice collection. :)


nothing to do with i guess no harm to share in my own thread on my new photoshop work =p