My new D300

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New Member
Dec 1, 2008
Hi there, just introduce from my friend that there is this forum to find out more on photo shooting. Anyway just bought my D300 comes with MB-D10, SB900, comes with 4gd lexar 300x, 8gd normal cf card, nikon lowerpro bag, nikon tripod all @ $3080 from sitex recently. Is that a gd buy anyway? anyone keen to share? Haven gotten my lens yet am looking for serious semi amatuar shooting before upgrading myself again. Is AFS 17-55mm /f2.8 gd enough for my d300 for the start up anyone care enough to share on this though i have seen quite a lot of reply on almost the same matter.

Most importantly, just go out and shoot first... Then you'll know what you need.

Oh, no lens yet. 17-55 would definitely be a good buy if your budget allows.

The more you compare after you bought the more heart pain you feel.
Just go out and shoot with a 17-55... highly recommended.

Congrats on your new purchase. Go get 17-55 and enjoy shooting!

Congrats on ur new purchase. the 17-55mm zoom is a great DX lens for the D300, I am sure you will enjoy using it.

Like others have mentioned, there is little value to compare post purchase.

As long as you put it to good use, it will be a good buy for the many years to come.


hi all, thanks for all the fast respond. I will definitely go for the 17-55mm lens then. Thanks for all the inputs guys. Greatly appreciated.Will share my input again or any queries I will ask you guys again.cheers!

hi all, thanks for all the fast respond. I will definitely go for the 17-55mm lens then. Thanks for all the inputs guys. Greatly appreciated.Will share my input again or any queries I will ask you guys again.cheers!

you mentioned upgrade earlier... upgrade to what??/ to full frame? if that is the case, do consider on the lenses you are gonna invest in as lenses can last for a long time.

for the price of 17-55, why not look at 24-70 which is a full frame lens so it is upgrade proof in some way.

you mentioned upgrade earlier... upgrade to what??/ to full frame? if that is the case, do consider on the lenses you are gonna invest in as lenses can last for a long time.

for the price of 17-55, why not look at 24-70 which is a full frame lens so it is upgrade proof in some way.
24mm in DX format not wide enough. Must poison early, introdce the 14-24... :bsmilie:

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Hi there, just introduce from my friend that there is this forum to find out more on photo shooting. Anyway just bought my D300 comes with MB-D10, SB900, comes with 4gd lexar 300x, 8gd normal cf card, nikon lowerpro bag, nikon tripod all @ $3080 from sitex recently. Is that a gd buy anyway? anyone keen to share? Haven gotten my lens yet am looking for serious semi amatuar shooting before upgrading myself again. Is AFS 17-55mm /f2.8 gd enough for my d300 for the start up anyone care enough to share on this though i have seen quite a lot of reply on almost the same matter.

Gd buy or not? Depends on what you're comparing with. Price is on the high side because of the many little little things that are bundled inside. Anyway, since you've bought, dont think about it. Get a lens and go out and shoot.

Instinctively, you'll know what you need after a few shoots with ur baby.

hi all, thanks for all the fast respond. I will definitely go for the 17-55mm lens then. Thanks for all the inputs guys. Greatly appreciated.Will share my input again or any queries I will ask you guys again.cheers!

remember to tell us how wonderful the 17-55mm is ;)

nah... get the el-cheapo 18-55 VR. I have seen some great and sharp pictures that were taken with this lens.
Plus, you don't have to baby this lens as it is reasonably cheap. You won't break your neck carrying it either.
I know the build is flimsy, but it's cheap enough to replace.
17-55mm f/2.8 = 8 of 18-55 VR. :)

I Think U Should Just Go Ahead With The 17-55 F/2.8 And Go And Shoot Once U Think That U Need A Zoom Lens Then Go Ahead. Hope U Have Fun With Ur D300 And 17-55

wah ... this time improve ... got full stop :bsmilie:

Something in between the price of 18-55 VR and 17-55 f/2.8 is the Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 ;)

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I Think U Should Just Go Ahead With The 17-55 F/2.8 And Go And Shoot Once U Think That U Need A Zoom Lens Then Go Ahead. Hope U Have Fun With Ur D300 And 17-55

Sorry, off topic:

Oh my, Kenny.. you sure have quite an arsenal of Nikons

First off, gratz on your new purchase bro. The 17-55 is definitely a hell of a lens on a cropped body and you'll never regret buying one. So head down to your favorite camera store purchase it and shoot shoot shoot.

24mm in DX format not wide enough. Must poison early, introdce the 14-24... :bsmilie:

hehe... i was running 18-70 when I was using a DX camera... wide and cheap

I think quite a lot of shutter bugs(those very on type)will have FF and DX body uitimately. So enjoy your shooting with DX lens at the momoent.
When it's is time to upgrade to FF, just get the FF lens.(I am sure your are more or less in ready mode when you think of upgrading to FF;))

I realised alot of recom for 17-55.
What abt 18-200?
I thot it goes very well D300.
Especially if you travelled.

I have the D300 and the 17-55mm f2.8. It's a great combination for most purposes, from landscape to portraits and close ups too. The combined weight and balance between the body and lens is about right too as the 17-55mm is made for APS sized sensors.

But if you do a lot of protraits and very little landscapes, the 24-70mm f2.8 might be your option.

These lenses are all about IQ and speed, if you can afford them, don't look for alternatives.

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