my first night shot

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New Member
Mar 25, 2004
holland ave

pls comment on this shot.. i name it "Light from Heaven". :embrass:

Hoky said:
Very grainy. Try a much lower ISO setting.

this is at ISO 200... still high?? shld be using 100 then?

any other comments?? (very eager for comments, gd or bad oso can. cos first time.)

f9.5 or 11. exposed for 30secs.

khairi said:
try F11 or F16 Iso 100 or 50.

frankly, not bad for a first time shot. :D

queenstown mrt?

Well, for a consumer / prosumer camera, I would recommend ISO50 + long shutter for static shots like this. Not recommended for moving objects though.

khairi said:
try F11 or F16 Iso 100 or 50.

frankly, not bad for a first time shot. :D

queenstown mrt?

ya... its at F11. will try another on ISO 100.

quite close... commonwealth mrt... jus one stop away... ;)

i named it Light From Heaven bcos of the cross on the lower right side of the picture... but end up have to over expose the lights from the mrt station to get that kind of light... any idea how to still get the light from the cross, but yet correctly expose the mrt station? i saw ppl at the mrt station that night... :)

bsplenden said:
this is at ISO 200... still high?? shld be using 100 then?

any other comments?? (very eager for comments, gd or bad oso can. cos first time.)

f9.5 or 11. exposed for 30secs.

A good try. Where is this place. it looks heavenly coz of the cross there :dunno:
Just wonder what cam are you using, really very grainy and this destroys your nice night screen. If possible reduce those dark trees in your composition. Just a personal opinion.

Hoky said:
Well, for a consumer / prosumer camera, I would recommend ISO50 + long shutter for static shots like this. Not recommended for moving objects though.

i using film SLR... nikon F75. :)

now currently is ISO 200 at f11, 30sec

if i have to use ISO 100 and still maintain f11... i have to use the bulb function... then for how long do i have to keep the shutter open? have to use stopwatch? :dunno:

Hosea said:
A good try. Where is this place. it looks heavenly coz of the cross there :dunno:
Just wonder what cam are you using, really very grainy and this destroys your nice night screen. If possible reduce those dark trees in your composition. Just a personal opinion.

nikon F75. a film SLR. could the grain be because i scan the pictures into the cd at the developing lab? yeah... its cos of the cross there...

took the picture from my home at night... the mrt station is commonwealth mrt station. its nth in the day. but looks much nicer at nite.

initially i wanted to use those dark trees to bring out the light, but it doesn't work? :embrass:

i think, it's abt a can try 45secs too...

need to scan your photo as jpeg right? your image looks lossy. when saveas set jpeg compression between 7-10 for posting...and max12 for printing.

image resize if possible too...about 600 pixels width...your image filled the whole of my 1152 width screen.

bsplenden said:
nikon F75. a film SLR. could the grain be because i scan the pictures into the cd at the developing lab? yeah... its cos of the cross there...

took the picture from my home at night... the mrt station is commonwealth mrt station. its nth in the day. but looks much nicer at nite.

initially i wanted to use those dark trees to bring out the light, but it doesn't work? :embrass:

Maybe, but I really think it is your ASA.This can turns up to be a very nice landscape .Try various shots again.cheers

khairi said:
i think, it's abt a can try 45secs too...

need to scan your photo as jpeg right? your image looks lossy. when saveas set jpeg compression between 7-10 for posting...and max12 for printing.

image resize if possible too...about 600 pixels width...your image filled the whole of my 1152 width screen.

yeah... its jpeg... the person at the lab scan for me. so i don't really know what she did.

how to resize ah??? :embrass:

the whole process was i went to the lab and got the person to develop and scan it.... den i have to post the photo on photobucket before i can get it here... for all ur comments... :)

Hosea said:
Maybe, but I really think it is your ASA.This can turns up to be a very nice landscape .Try various shots again.cheers

hmm... think i will borrow the zoom lens again and try with ISO50 again. will go buy the film tml....

khairi said:
i think, it's abt a can try 45secs too...

need to scan your photo as jpeg right? your image looks lossy. when saveas set jpeg compression between 7-10 for posting...and max12 for printing.

image resize if possible too...about 600 pixels width...your image filled the whole of my 1152 width screen.

a min.... cool... then won't the mrt station be very seriously over exposed??

and if i use ISO 50, then it will be 2 mins?? :embrass:

1. nice angle, good framing :thumbsup:

2. 30 seconds too long already. u r starting to suffer from reciprocity failure :think:

3. suggest: fuji superia xtra 400, f8 will do. then bracket by bracketing the shutter speed :light:

Try again young currypuff, a shot at 715pm to 745pm when there's some light in the sky.

PS : Lab scans are not v.good. I think they scan with 1 passing and apply too much USM. Not very noticeable for normal shots but produces too much noise in night shots. Night shots need to scan 4-8 times and average out the noise.

not too bad shot for a first timer, lots of rooms to improve on. got time go city area walk around, alot of nice stuff to shoot.

grain cause by underexposing, clive is right, reciprocity failure.

i don't get it, 30 sec seems way long for such a scene. wat film u using? based on f/11 and iso 200 film, ur scene should be just right after 15 sec.

for me i usually use superia 400, f/8, abt 2-4 sec exposure for such a scene.


hmm... thks for ur comments... did you all notice the cross with the light from below? if i use fuji 400, f8 and expose for 2 to 4 secs, will the light from under the cross still be there?

some members suggest using ISO 50 while others fuji 400. so which shld i use??

for this shot i used kodak... no gd? fuji better choice?

thks a lot... :)

btw, what is reciprocity failure? :embrass:

the light under the cross will get brighter and less well defined as the exposure increases

recprocity: come from the word reciprocal: carries the meaning of being "inversely related" :

in plain maths, 1000 = 1x1000=5x200=10x100=20x50=25x40=500x2=..etc rite? ok so far so good...

in plain exposure terms: for the same ISO: f1.4, 1/15 sec = f2, 1/8 sec = f2.8, 1/4 sec =f4, 1/2 sec = f5.6, 1 sec = f8, 2 sec = f11, 4 sec =f16, 8 sec...etc. yup? :)

now, in theory going by plain maths, this means that 1000 units of light falling on the film for a duration of 1 sec gives the same exposure as 500 units of light falling on the film for 2 sec which also gives the same exposure for 250 units of light falling on the film for 4 seconds...until blah blah blah ..= same as 1 unit of light falling on the film for 1000 seconds?


it is found out that if 1000 units of light falling for 1 sec on film gives different results from 1 unit of light falling for 1000 seconds. essentially u get soem weird colour shifts. when the reciprocally equivalent relation gets skewed towards the "less light for longer time" end of the spectrum, the relation starts to break down and go haywire. hence the term "reciprocity failure" ie the reciprocal equation fails to hold true as we approach nearer to the case of "less light for longer time"

more light with less time~ soemthing like daylight shooting
less light with more time ~ something like long exposures at night.

looks abit over...tink u can try something else other than trying to reduce the grain.... wat bout increasing it.....break out of the norm...

otherwise f11-f16 @ 5s i tink more than enuff...worked well for my nikon...

try to concentrate on the movin train more...tink its super cool if u can emphazise the streak....

juz my 2 cts...

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