Mount Rainier

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Senior Member
Jan 18, 2002
Visit site
OK, as requested by kssim, here are some of my Mt Rainier shots taken last year. These pictures are scanned from film:






Originally posted by roygoh
OK, as requested by kssim, here are some of my Mt Rainier shots taken last year. These pictures are scanned from film:

Cool! Nice place. Too bad that I've missed it when I pass through Seattle the last time and it's too foggy to even spot it from space needle.. Cherish it while it's still standing. Researches have shown that it could be the next Mt. St. Helen and could erupt anytime from now to the next few centuries.

Say, can you actually get onto the mountain? Or are the trails just around the mountain and you can only view it from a distance?


:thumbsup: I wish I would be there soon!

Originally posted by kssim

Cool! Nice place. Too bad that I've missed it when I pass through Seattle the last time and it's too foggy to even spot it from space needle.. Cherish it while it's still standing. Researches have shown that it could be the next Mt. St. Helen and could erupt anytime from now to the next few centuries.

Say, can you actually get onto the mountain? Or are the trails just around the mountain and you can only view it from a distance?


The best time to visit Mt Rainier would be the summer months. Seattle has so much rain that you don't get to see Mt Rainier everyday. Ocassionally, after a long stretch of rainiy days, comes a clear day when you can catch a good view of the peak while driving from home to work, it just lifts your spirits and brightens the day ahead.

There are trails with varying difficulties at 2 of the visitor sites, Paradise and Sunrise. You can get pretty close to the summit. To actually climb to the summit, I heard there are a couple of trails also. It will take more then a day to climb up, and there are camp sites on the way up for mountaineers to stay overnight.

Since the muntain is so huge, the perpective changes a lot as you get closer. From Seattle, the mountain slope seems very steep, but as you get closer, it appears more gradual. Just an optical illusion.

I sure hope it is not going to errupt that soon!

Originally posted by roygoh
I sure hope it is not going to errupt that soon!

Have you got yourself an evacuation plan on hand? <G> :bsmilie:
Then again, they'll will at least have some advance warning when the sesmic activity increased to a dangerous level. ;)


Originally posted by kssim

Have you got yourself an evacuation plan on hand? <G> :bsmilie:
Then again, they'll will at least have some advance warning when the sesmic activity increased to a dangerous level. ;)


No evacuation plan. It it pops, I will bring my camera to the scene!:cool:

hmmm.... must visit, must visit ... one of these days.... *sigh*
those shots were taken on different days rite? how many days over how long a period did u take for all those shots? since u say that a good clear day is hard to come by...


Originally posted by roygoh

The best time to visit Mt Rainier would be the summer months. Seattle has so much rain that you don't get to see Mt Rainier everyday. Ocassionally, after a long stretch of rainiy days, comes a clear day when you can catch a good view of the peak while driving from home to work, it just lifts your spirits and brightens the day ahead.

There are trails with varying difficulties at 2 of the visitor sites, Paradise and Sunrise. You can get pretty close to the summit. To actually climb to the summit, I heard there are a couple of trails also. It will take more then a day to climb up, and there are camp sites on the way up for mountaineers to stay overnight.

Since the muntain is so huge, the perpective changes a lot as you get closer. From Seattle, the mountain slope seems very steep, but as you get closer, it appears more gradual. Just an optical illusion.

I sure hope it is not going to errupt that soon!

Originally posted by nuts
hmmm.... must visit, must visit ... one of these days.... *sigh*
those shots were taken on different days rite? how many days over how long a period did u take for all those shots? since u say that a good clear day is hard to come by...


The first set on film was taken in Jul last year, on the south side of Mt Rainier called Paradise. The second set on digital was taken in Sep last year, on the east side of Mt Rainier called Sunrise.

They were both 1-day trips.

To catch a good view of Mt Rainier is hard to come by in Seattle, especially in the fall/winter months. In Summer you have much better chances (like today ;) ). I have heard of people going all the way to Mt Rainier and ended up having a foggy day. They did not even get to see the mountain when they are that close!

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