Morning View


Sep 11, 2010
$?? 1.jpg

1. in what area is critique to be sought?

I will like feedback on the composition.
I have composed the picture this way because I want to show the contrast between the building and the background.

2. what one hopes to achieve with the piece of work?
I want to show that the world is actually much bigger than what we thought through the picture. The view of mountains and rivers would calm a person's mind and soul. One will feel recharged after viewing.

3. under what circumstance is the picture taken?
This picture was taken when I was in chi jing in taiwan. A view just right outside my hotel room. I decided to take this picture because I feel so relax and recharged after I see the view and hopefully it will reminds me how small we are compare to the world. Therefore, stay chill and carry on.

4. what the critique seeker personally thinks of the picture

Personally, I feel that I should took the whole building not just half of it and the sky is kind of different color compare the left and the right.

1: i notice the horizon seems alittle tilted but the roof of the building is straight. very distracting, its better to have a straight horizon on the landscape than the building. I find all the trees in the foreground alittle messy. would be better if u can lose it by changing angles or something.

2: if that is the case it would be better if u can show a wider shot of the valley and a very small subject to show the difference in size.

3: if u have more time, do explore around the entire compound to get a better angle.

4: you are right but if u were to tilt down, the trees will become more messy.

on a personal note, the sky and mountains looks alittle too cold/blue. did u edit the saturation? i also notice the pic lost some details, did u try to recover too much of the shadow and etc? sometimes it happen to me too when i over recover the shadows, throw in contrast and calarity, pic tend too looks grainy or rough. try to reedit it and try something else to see what kind of result u can get.

btw there a huge dust spot on the top right of the pic

1: i notice the horizon seems alittle tilted but the roof of the building is straight. very distracting, its better to have a straight horizon on the landscape than the building. I find all the trees in the foreground alittle messy. would be better if u can lose it by changing angles or something.

2: if that is the case it would be better if u can show a wider shot of the valley and a very small subject to show the difference in size.

3: if u have more time, do explore around the entire compound to get a better angle.

4: you are right but if u were to tilt down, the trees will become more messy.

on a personal note, the sky and mountains looks alittle too cold/blue. did u edit the saturation? i also notice the pic lost some details, did u try to recover too much of the shadow and etc? sometimes it happen to me too when i over recover the shadows, throw in contrast and calarity, pic tend too looks grainy or rough. try to reedit it and try something else to see what kind of result u can get.

btw there a huge dust spot on the top right of the pic

Hi Paulboh87, thanks for your feedback. I guess that I should have spend more time exploring more angles and took a straight horizon. Is there anyway that i can post-process the photo so that the building will be able to looks small. As that is the widest I can go. As for the saturation, I think are right. I over recover the shadows in HDR process. Anyway thanks a lot. I will work harder.

The horizon is tilted but hard to correct in this case since it would have left part of the house in the foreground cropped should the image be straightened. A wider view showing more of the house in the foreground would have been more pleasing. Exposure is a little over for my preference, i would probably drop 1/3 stop or so. Keep shooting and enjoy :)

Hi Override2Zion,thanks for your tips, hopefully i will be able to go back again and shoot with wider lens. I will keep shooting and learn along the way. :)

The horizon is tilted but hard to correct in this case since it would have left part of the house in the foreground cropped should the image be straightened. A wider view showing more of the house in the foreground would have been more pleasing. Exposure is a little over for my preference, i would probably drop 1/3 stop or so. Keep shooting and enjoy :)

I kinda like the colours in the shot. However, I was just wondering if the shot was a little wider, such that it captured more of the foreground in front of the house. Would have been even better if perhaps some children playing or something - a nice juxtaposition to the calm and serenity of the mountains. But I know it's not always possible to get all these factors! :)

I kinda like the colours in the shot. However, I was just wondering if the shot was a little wider, such that it captured more of the foreground in front of the house. Would have been even better if perhaps some children playing or something - a nice juxtaposition to the calm and serenity of the mountains. But I know it's not always possible to get all these factors! :)

Hi yellowlemonie, thanks for ur tips. Yeah I wish I could take the whole house haha. But lens is not wide enough and limited space for me to move back. But I will take note of that when I shoot at similar places. Cheers.

Did u also tried to bring down the highlights a lot? Because the clouds seems to suggest so. I'd prefer more foreground too.

Did u also tried to bring down the highlights a lot? Because the clouds seems to suggest so. I'd prefer more foreground too.

Hi nitewalk, thanks for ur reply. I didnt bring the highlights down. However, thanks for pointing out. Now I kind of feel that the composition kind of wired. Maybe I should not just focus on the building but also bring out the he backgrounds so that a clear contrast can be seen.