more wild crocs @ Singapore


New Member
Dec 31, 2005
More photographs of crocodiles spotted in Singapore. This is a biggie, probably 2.5 meter.

check out my other wild singapore crocs collection here:

Hope you like the photos.

#1 - I wasn't expecting to find any, but it swam passed me while i was changing my lens


#2 - As it was swimming away from me


#3 - Personally, I like this shot most


Where is this place? Aren't you afraid?

Kinda scary indeed.
But U are very lucky to be able to capture this.

Great shots


wow. that's a big croc. :thumbsup:

I assume it was at some nature reserve.. sungai buloh? Nice capture btw

Thanks all for your comments and compliments.

When i find time, I normally do my routine croc photography in the northern part of singapore, kranji, sungei buloh, left and right side of causeway. There was 1 instance when a 80cm croc was taken at pasir ris boardwalk area abt 2 years back.

Here is the photo of baby croc sitting on the croc-trap.

You can check out my old posts of crocs in SG here here:



Thanks all for your comments and compliments.

When i find time, I normally do my routine croc photography in the northern part of singapore, kranji, sungei buloh, left and right side of causeway. There was 1 instance when a 80cm croc was taken at pasir ris boardwalk area abt 2 years back.

Here is the photo of baby croc sitting on the croc-trap.

You can check out my old posts of crocs in SG here here:



ROFL i love this!!
the croc looks like its going to slip off! hilarious!

Considered joining this?
BiodiverCity - A Photo compeition of Local Biodiversity

hi slaam,

Thanks for the info "BiodiverCity - A Photo compeition of Local Biodiversity" competition. Somehow don't think the NParks or public will be too thrill to receive "Wild Crocodiles in Singapore" photos submission.

This has always been a very debatable subject, to keep or trap wild crocs. So obviously i'm largely in the camp of letting the animals be, so may not want to stir up unnecessary pressure for the judges, authorities and the animal.

Here's another photo for the croc fans taken on X'mas day 2009.

#1 I like this photo because the water was dead still, hence reflecting lots of lights and leaves. This is also one rare occasion, where the water was clear enough to show the entire body length of croc in the water. Enjoy!


You must be buddha, starting at the same place for 3-4 hours is really no joke, ever done any miming? Love the one in the tea colored water.

and imagine the amount of mosquitoes he fed ..... :eek:

cool shots btw