mini wireless monitor for Gopro

Good improvement.

I hate to say it, but Gopro should do a flip lcd screen like the Sony a6000. Most people are OMO with extreme sports. They just need to position the Gopro, check composition using the flip screen and then flip back. Recording starts right after.

When I was using the Gopro w my iPhone, it was such a bother to sync and check the framing.

Interesting! I think one advantage of the ability to live view (vs a flip screen) is that if the frame gets thrown off, or the lens kenna mud or something, you'll know and be able to rectify it quicker, than find out at the end of the session.

Sony's action camera system has a wifi remote. Can control and view up to 5 cameras, which sounds useful in theory if you have multiple cams mounted around you, e.g., helmet, chest, front/back, etc.


Dick Tracy would approve

There are good and bad of having Removu remote. I brought and been using it for 3 mths.

Good - You can view and position your gopro.
Bad - Batt drain fast, lack and not water proof.