Mini-Outing: A Strobist New Year

Glad that everyone enjoyed the sharing session.

Thanks Farhan and Zack! Really enjoyed your session :)

Thanks Baracus and Fleaz for the wonderful session.... learnt quite a lot today!
I'm hooked! After the session, Gummy73, Greg0222 and I went to Sgcamerastore. I wanted to get a wireless flash trigger, umbrella, light stand.... but the guy couldn't get my AF540 to fire off with the cheaper trigger he's selling and offered another model that worked but was 2x more expensive, so I didn't get it in the end.... and off we went for some drinks.

Undeterred, I went to SLRR after that and got a trigger that worked with AF540 for $41, then back to Sgcamerastore to get the umbrella, holder and stand.... Baracus, you're to blame for this latest indulgence!! LOL!

Happy New Year!

Thanks Baracus and Fleaz for the lesson again

Hey mchew, seem like i make a wise decision not to follow u guys to Funan .... lol .... else ... I might spend money again .

Group Photos


Back - (Greg 0222)(oceanpriest)(Moonlightsg)(dashbodz)(baracus)(Gummy73)(airconvent)
Front - (Mchew)(Poseur)(Fireemblem)(Supersimon27)(fleaz)(Yamakasi)

Thanks Baracus and Fleaz for the lesson again

Hey mchew, seem like i make a wise decision not to follow u guys to Funan .... lol .... else ... I might spend money again .

Haha... sigh, what to do... got hooked already!
I immediately tested it out on my kids in the afternoon...
now I need nicer backdrop :p


farhan, well done for being the first out of the block this new year! btw, this outing got posting or not? :think: really look forward to some strobist action like those i had witnessed at the zoo outing.

Haha... sigh, what to do... got hooked already!
I immediately tested it out on my kids in the afternoon...
now I need nicer backdrop :p

You also need 2 more lights, 2 more stands, 2 softbox/umbrella :sweat:

Thanks to Baracus for organising the outing, and my friend for being such a sporting model!

Rest of the pics can be found here

Thank you to all who attended the class on both days.
Big thanks to Fleaz for helping out on short notice. :thumbsup:

I would like to apologize for any shortcomings on my end since I'm pretty sure I left out a few pointers, especially for the Intermediate class. All that experimenting with Brian and friend had me tied up.

If any of you have any questions regarding their setup or have a look they want achieved, I'll try my best to solve it. Just don't ask me about P-TTL. :sweat:

I don't think this will be a regular fixture, but if anyone has any crazy concept shoot in mind, I'll just ring in the gang. Else, there's always the regular Pentax outings for practice. ;)

Haha... sigh, what to do... got hooked already!
I immediately tested it out on my kids in the afternoon...
now I need nicer backdrop :p

Cute models you got there.

Just something to nitpick. Kids and ladies are better suited for butterfly lighting indoors.(a.k.a 45deg from top) Plus, it emulates indoor ceiling light and decreases obvious shadows. Alternatively, you could use another flash or two (with or w/o gels) to blow the background and eliminate shadows. ;)

Thanks to Baracus for organising the outing, and my friend for being such a sporting model!

Rest of the pics can be found here

He was awesome. All those repeated takes and flashing didn't slow him down one bit. Not to forget the photographer who suffered a sprained neck from all that shooting while lying down. Time to pack a groundsheet for future shoots. ;p

Thanks Farhan for your time yesterday at Fort Canning Park.
Since I have to leave early, I could not stay till the end of the session.
If having the opportunity for the next session, it would be great to streamline the contents so that all will benefit from you.
Thanks again.:)

Cute models you got there.

Just something to nitpick. Kids and ladies are better suited for butterfly lighting indoors.(a.k.a 45deg from top) Plus, it emulates indoor ceiling light and decreases obvious shadows. Alternatively, you could use another flash or two (with or w/o gels) to blow the background and eliminate shadows. ;)

Thanks again, Baracus. will use 2 flashes next time :)

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Seems the intermediate class was more active and more fun, sorry to miss this one.
Thank you again Baracus and Fleaz for the efforts!

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If having the opportunity for the next session, it would be great to streamline the contents so that all will benefit from you.
Thanks again.:)

Well, my style of teaching is more personal so as to suit the student's ability and pace. Which is why I'm not too fond of holding large classes since I don't know if I'm boring them or confusing them.

I myself learned from online resources, notably David Hobby, Zack Arias and Adam & Mikey, amongst others (Youtube for video examples) Not forgetting DIYPhotography for hacks and ideas for modifiers.

If anyone else is still not sure, they can ask pinholecam, CorneliusK or eselite during the monthly outings. I'm sure they are more than willing to help. :cool: