Me & My RF

Bro, u mean the beatles? I got the red one for my millennium. Nice and different feel from old man's soft release.

Yup, where did you get them from dave, I just lost mine in hk....

Mr Chi Fei

Hello Rangefinders


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Lookin' like a bum after a 20 hour flight but took the obligatory bathroom mirror self portrait with my very first M

Hi guys...I'm Budi...:)


Some say he is more handsome than Brad Pitt.... and beat Arnold Schwarzenegger to win the Mr Universe in 1971.

Could someone please identify this person please...

Hi guys, nice to finally match the nicknames to the face here :)



Some say he is more handsome than Brad Pitt.... and beat Arnold Schwarzenegger to win the Mr Universe in 1971.

Could someone please identify this person please...

Hehehe... He will kill you for posting this bro...