Manual Nikkor Lens thread. Of the lens, and by the lens. Fans only!

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I have sent it in for cleaning when I dug it out of an old dry box when moving house along with other old manuals like the Nikkor Auto 35mm f/2 and Nikkor-S 35mm f/2.8. However, the fungus got its way and already destroyed the coating on the rear element. So far this 105 has been the best performing lens I've used in terms of sharpness and colour under shaded conditions. In bright sunlight, pictures will turn out with a yellow overwash but hey, the lens is meant for portraits right? Weirdest of all is that is still produces sharp photos.

Nice Perspective there, Josh..
Thank you very much.

Fantastic Lens...

Taken by looking through the front and focusing on the etchments.

Same here...

Ouch... The pain...

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