Malay and Mandarin Chapter

Are you interested in a Malay or Mandarin Chapter within WPAS?

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It is very common for Associations and organizations having chapters and groupings for various interests. It would be better managed, more focus and commitment.

A classic example would be the SCCCI, they have groupings and interests “polarized” into Teochew, Cantonese, Hakka, etc

Unlike sub-committees that look after functions like PR, Recruiting, D&D, etc,.

When I started this poll, I’m mindful of the sensitivities along racial line and religious taboos. Since these issues are already existence, why not face it with an open mind?

I certainly can appreciate that in the case of SCCCI, being a trade association, it makes sense to have chapters based on province/dialect, i don't see how this parallel applies in the case of WPAS, on the contrary, i think the reverse holds true. If at all, creating chapers within WPAS would, as someone suggested, lead to more inbreeding and turf protectionism.

Assuming that the malay chapter is for malay photogs, does it make sense to create the chapter for 2? or can their interest be better served through other means?

synapseman's question begs an answer - why create a chapter? This hasn't been addressed.

Moving right along...

With regards to having such chapters as sub-committees, again, fundamentally we need to ask: Why?

Generally, sub-committees are formed on a temporary basis when there's a project that's too large to be handled by a regular committee. If WPAS has all these sub-comms, what is there to "report" to the main committee?

Maybe from another perspective, having chapters could be a stepping stone for groups to eventually break away from WPAS to form their own association? (I'm just speculating the possibilities).

According to the polls, there are people who are in support for separate chapters within WPAS. Maybe we can invite them to give opinions about this matter? Like I mentioned before, if there are indeed good reasons why we should do so, then of course we should all throw in our support to make this happen.

I’m not a Malay, neither am I a wedding photographer. I’ve worked with selfless, honourable guys over the last 3 years and have grown to respect them, the business relationship have turned into friendships. And I’m being set up to hold the fort “in name only” for the start up, but I’m stuck for the 1st term. I desperately need to find a replacement and get out! You guys should be running the show, not me.

WHY? Is a simple word and a can be a big question. As I’m not a Malay wedding photog, I cannot answer it, but I can appreciate the need for a Malay Chapter. We have argued over the various negativity, can we look at the positive impact now? In an Association, majority support get the endorsement. The interest group have to come forward and make it work, get it to happen, or it’ll be just another good idea that do not work.

I certainly can appreciate that in the case of SCCCI, being a trade association, it makes sense to have chapters based on province/dialect, i don't see how this parallel applies in the case of WPAS, on the contrary, i think the reverse holds true. If at all, creating chapers within WPAS would, as someone suggested, lead to more inbreeding and turf protectionism.

Assuming that the malay chapter is for malay photogs, does it make sense to create the chapter for 2? or can their interest be better served through other means?

synapseman's question begs an answer - why create a chapter? This hasn't been addressed.

WPAS is at its infancy, crawling along the 1st year. 1st AGM is due next month and we must learn to walk into our 2nd year. I can envisage 5 to 10 years down the road that WPAS will be jogging and sprinting, but we need good men (and women too) with strategic minds and vision to make it happens. We have 2 pioneering Malay brothers joining not because they are Malay but wedding professionals, surely it’s not tea for 2, its bigger things to come and recognistions.

WPAS is a trade association, focusing on wedding market by wedding professionals. What contrary?
“as someone suggested, lead to more inbreeding and turf protectionism.” Suggested to more inbreeding and turf protectionism? It could be a concern, could be negativity, could be avoided too as it’s brought right up now. Look at the bright side, seek good reason, and move on.:sweat:

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