Maayan part 2

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nonchann said:
Bro, nicely done!! I love it.=p

xie xie... like i mentioned, the team deserved almost all of the credit.

you can do this too...just need to have at good strong lungs......!:bsmilie:

Nice shots bro !! can't believe that there're actually someone doing this here.

plsoong said:
some of the shots no doubt were in the pool.
MY my my!!!! He's got huge funds.........while i have kosong .... I can see a silver/mirror dipped into the pool too........:O and maybe waterproof "black background"?

haiz..can only envy :cry: money DEFINITELY NO ENUGH!

I think i saw in deviantart before that they use black cloth to make the black backgroud.
Let see if i can find that photo from deviantart again. :dunno:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

kevinsph said:
I think i saw in deviantart before that they use black cloth to make the black backgroud.
Let see if i can find that photo from deviantart again. :dunno:

That is right!

All one need is a piece of cloth that is big enough to be hung from edge of the pool, weighted down by some cheap stones,a nd you can have a backdrop of any color you want! Just have to work within the limits of the backdrop size. BTW this is how I make my photographs in my er, so called studio!

Strobes and huge artificial lights may be interesting, but they also destroy the fantastic light streaks that comes from the natural sunlight!

student said:
That is right!

All one need is a piece of cloth that is big enough to be hung from edge of the pool, weighted down by some cheap stones,a nd you can have a backdrop of any color you want! Just have to work within the limits of the backdrop size. BTW this is how I make my photographs in my er, so called studio!

Strobes and huge artificial lights may be interesting, but they also destroy the fantastic light streaks that comes from the natural sunlight!

KEWL! Great to have you guys share how to improve it!

I'm definitely game on doing it again

I got a 10m X 3M black velvet ;)

ALL I NEED IS A D70 UNDERWATER CASING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (how much....sure damn ex one :( )

I know what great natural sunlight does....but my shots were done at 8:30-9ish PM at night ;)

hence, pool lights....with artificial lights from outside

problem.....prosumer cams have got shutter delay!!!!! ...and alot of my shots were off :(

but ah well, i'll give it a go again..........when i'm back from RESERVIST :cry:

hey the pictures are great. I love the raw feel of it, the murky colours
I think it would be great if her body was limp and looser, arched in the different directions more
good job man =)

mattlock said:
hey the pictures are great. I love the raw feel of it, the murky colours
I think it would be great if her body was limp and looser, arched in the different directions more
good job man =)

HEY MY BRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u reached across the seas already?! How are you feeling now? better ?

Hehehe, i've used up 2 polaroid rolls ALREADY! :D LOL! took me at least 5 frames to figure it out...the b&W polars ROX DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh no, OT on my own thread :bsmilie:

glad that u like it dude, ur pics have been a source of inspiration for many of my ideas....the dynamism and energy within.

Yesh, i do have her "limp" in water...kinda like dead.....(the whole team kinda concocted some fashion story and they were to act it out in which Maayan was to be "dead" in water)...those hopefully can make the grade into the books, yet to complete processing...

the raw and murky greenish tinge was intentional because my swimming pool was just WAY TOO BLUE for my liking...... too cliche.....and it juts works wonders when u have blonde lights (deepest gratitude to CineGear) to mix the temperature.

Ha! maybe even inherent Olympus (thanx to my boss) WB processing?!?!?!? :dunno:

issit safe to mail USD notes to you? so that u can help me get that PWkit?!?!?! ;)

Hear from you real soon!

kevinsph: seafairy on DA had some very beautiful uw shots before, but i think she removed them. shot in natural waters though. =(

plsoong, i had worse tiles.... ah yes the uw shoots.. i wanna shoot also >_< and oh.. by expressions i mean, when you do it in print, or whatever, unless the face is really has alot of places covered, the nicer or not so nice expressions will still leave a different impression on the viewers and affect the overall of the image.. you shoot so much, i'm sure you understand what i'm saying. unless i really dun make sense.. ^^;

zemotion said:
kevinsph: seafairy on DA had some very beautiful uw shots before, but i think she removed them. shot in natural waters though. =(

plsoong, i had worse tiles.... ah yes the uw shoots.. i wanna shoot also >_< and oh.. by expressions i mean, when you do it in print, or whatever, unless the face is really has alot of places covered, the nicer or not so nice expressions will still leave a different impression on the viewers and affect the overall of the image.. you shoot so much, i'm sure you understand what i'm saying. unless i really dun make sense.. ^^;

HAHAHAH i am really damn tempted to try something in P. Hantu waters! but am sure most people will end up seeing greenbean soup.

yeah, i agree with you on the expressions....... some of not seen LOL!

c'mon lor, i don't have as much opportunities as you in terms of shoots lar ;) but u're really gifted!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

this set is marvelous.... :D:D:D but i tink letting her get into the centre of the frame may have helped (dive deeper into the centre)?


Witness said:
this set is marvelous.... :D:D:D but i tink letting her get into the centre of the frame may have helped (dive deeper into the centre)?


i did

actually for alot of the shots, the models were able to dive deep.

I've actually timed it too to catch her at that spot, but typically, the AF from the prosumer cam will keep hunting and the delay in shutter is all that critical. To catch her at that very moment, i'd really suggest for whoever intending to attempt this to get yourself at least a true SLR/manual cam.

the lag will be minimum and alot of fantastic shots would have been achieved.

sadly, i got no such u/w casing!


will try to go on my knees to busk in orchard or something......

no actually with dslr/slr you still get a lag.. last time when we had shoot the photog also asked us to hold our poses or whatever for 1-2sec longer~ something like that.

what opps, totally no opportunities man~ most of the time i macham like one girl show, do almost everything other than the modelling. =_=

AncientMariner said:
Just curious. How did you get her hair to fall straight down underwater?

good question! :)

for that pose and that position of the body, it was all the work of the model. I had briefed her on how i'd want the pictures to turn out and she kinda interpreted the idea spot on. At this position, she had water running into her nose, and it was all very the answer to your question is ....timing i suppose

The shots are fantastic....but I hv an unusual question...
what drives you to take the shots ??

zemotion said:
kevinsph: seafairy on DA had some very beautiful uw shots before, but i think she removed them. shot in natural waters though. =(

plsoong, i had worse tiles.... ah yes the uw shoots.. i wanna shoot also >_< and oh.. by expressions i mean, when you do it in print, or whatever, unless the face is really has alot of places covered, the nicer or not so nice expressions will still leave a different impression on the viewers and affect the overall of the image.. you shoot so much, i'm sure you understand what i'm saying. unless i really dun make sense.. ^^;

plsoong, when zemotion, kagetsuki and I did our underwater portrait, we have worse tiles. the tiles in your background is better. the effect of your photographs is great. :)

is this a public or private pool?

betazone said:
The shots are fantastic....but I hv an unusual question...
what drives you to take the shots ??

Hi betazone,
good qeustion you dig there....

Although i lurve other textures and materials of clothes, i've been a fan of chiffons and organzas and basically anything thats flowy, sheer, "wispy". I think i'm the kind that daydreams too much and maybe too much ideas. This was actually part of a "documentar-ish" ..if i may shoot for my book and i was thinking of how to get the clothes to show off their life within. Its abit too cliched if this was done in a studio with fans and all that, or even a model in some rustic background.

The funniest thing is, i haven't had any examples to refer too as i am really a mountain tortoise, don't even know which big names existed and had been telling my better half that i'd lurve to try something in my pool for about 2 months!. All i heard everybody around me was "wah, you attempting that ANTM episode ah?!" - which i found although was nice, but again, too cliched.

I've dived quite abit and am still mesmerized with the way the light penetrates the water surface to create those kewl patterns on the sandy floor.... u dig that? ... if you've seen Great Barrier Reef's u/w sandy beach, those patterns are really kewl!

so it was kinda like, could i somehow "put that kinda lighting pattern" onto the clothes. The model besides giving the clothes some form of life and volume, was really professional. She's also a very good swimmer and immediately knew how she was going to try things out.

Hence, i'd dare say, the only problem we had was, 1st, the camera shutter lag was really slow, and 2nd, i'd tripped the condo lights a few times ..... oooops:sweat:

anywayz, its something i think you can go try it too and i'm sure you WILL achieve a better result than mine :)

elise_ng said:
plsoong, when zemotion, kagetsuki and I did our underwater portrait, we have worse tiles. the tiles in your background is better. the effect of your photographs is great. :)

is this a public or private pool?

Thanx elise,

this is a private pool in my condo.

I was very disappointed that the BIG NICE pool opp Liang Court is gone :cry: and dried?

else i'd have requested to do it there :p

Hi plsoong,
Great! I admire your zeal ;)
Keep me updated on your book project as well, would like to take a look
"fashion shoot for my book"

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