Looking into Fuji X-T1


New Member
Aug 10, 2010

I am not familiar with mirror less.

Need some advice on it.

Currently I using a Nikon DSLR.

Was looking at X-T1

May I know whether is X-T1 a good buy?

May I noe beside fuji lens, does x-t1 able to use other lens?

Need some advice thanks

Hi, I am not familiar with mirror less. Need some advice on it. Currently I using a Nikon DSLR. Was looking at X-T1 May I know whether is X-T1 a good buy? May I noe beside fuji lens, does x-t1 able to use other lens? Need some advice thanks

Hi ,

It's difficult to quantify whether is the X-T1 a good buy as everyone has differing needs. It's the best the Fujifilm X mount can offer now for sure and u can start off by reading reviews before going down to Fujifilm studio at Funan 4th floor to test the camera for yourself.

No issues with adapting other lenses to the X-T1 so long as u use the right adapter , I've used Leica , Rokkor on the X mount with no issues.

Roughly what's the street price range for the xt1 GS?