Looking for photography-related part time job

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aiyo, so worked out for what?

where got worked up.. its just a personal expression of my views on the issue what...

if i am really worked up. the whole screen will be filled with dots because all kenna censored...

lols.... :bsmilie:

Saving for a DSLR is one thing, learning to shoot better in landscapes and nature can be something else.

But as others have put it across - attitude is important.

I take on assistants from time to time, and I look for the right attitude first, portfolio and experience comes last. That first impression counts a lot, and I've had a lot of horror stories with bad interviewees and bad PAs. There are those who'd abandon all responsibility and run off, and there are those with a rubber-time problem. And more.

There's also been some really good people whom I've come to work with this year and they are the ones I'd really bother with. One of whom went on to clinch an architecture photog award and another to win a prize at a competition. Along the way, one of them has now moved on to apprenticing under someone else, with my blessings. And we're meeting up this evening for a get-together, my current and former PAs and myself.

I take it that you are still young, in NS perhaps. Go find the right people to mingle with, shoot with, learn from. Opportunities do come around, but be willing to work to accomodate them rather than expect others to suit you. If you want, you can always look me up for a chat.

Cheers and good luck to your quest for knowledge and work.

yes, u guessed correctly, i'm in NS now:D

i'm actually quite sad that my post caused so many negative remarks, i guess its my phrasing of words perhaps. i'm seriously not someone with no responsibility nor someone who is so so bad like what some of you all had described. i'm actually just an ordinary hardworking decent guy. i feel like i'm being labelled as the ultimate bad guy. i'm just an innocent newbie who knows nothing about the professional photography world and one small query i made got me flamed until so jialat but the proffessionals. but i also have to thank some of them for their invaluable advices.

ok enough of my explanations. i think right now i'll just follow whatever and wherever my passion in photography takes me. equipment can matter later. i just want to enjoy shooting and appreciate the beautiful world that we live in. if oppurtunities really do come around, i will treasure them and use them as learning experiences. :)

bulit up your portfolio to convince others that you can take on the job.

one example is to attend model shoots, shoot portraiture.

understand the theories on lights and etc etc....

and once you feel that you have "enough" or "sufficient" knowledge, you would be able to take on as freelancers or even as assistants.

even as studio assistants, they require you to be proficient in at least studio lightings and some sort of given professional training.

good luck.

I think what aloyteo means is that whatever anyone is willing to give him he will take:p

Anyway, I took a look at your site. There is some genuinely good stuff inside, but it's not substantial enough at the moment. You need to shoot more and beef it up! I'm quite sure you can do it, if you want to.

If you're in NS, actually you can save up quite a substantial amount considering you're only out 8 days a month. Try not to club/drink/smoke/randomly spend large amounts of money and you'll have your DSLR in 6 months tops. I reckon 3 months would do the trick, but hey, allowances for a little fun are needed.

Try to get the licenses too. Extremely useful little things. I'm personally getting both 2b and 3 licenses by Jan/Feb next year.

Hi Aloyteo,

You have very nice composition and colours in your photos.
I like your fireworks and your beach photos especially the vertical one with the chain of bouys.

Have you considered putting your photos on website for sale like
www.dreamstime.com - I personally have mine here

or www.istockphoto.com - The New Paper uses their photos often

these are microstock websites and they can accept photos from consumer and prosumer cameras.
they allow you to have some exposure and you get some idea of a different aspect of photography


Francis Wong

I totally agree that NS can get you a DSLR, especially if you're from Tekong BMT where you get to spend a bit only on weekends!

I got myself a 400D while clearing leave before ORDing on 131006 :p Even though it's an entry level camera, it's sufficient for me now as I am learning too, and it's great. And yes, I agree with you that there's less restrictions with the 400D. When I shot with my FM2, I had to work as a waiter to pay for the development of film. For now, I'm happy with my 400D.

Maybe some day I will upgrade to something greater.
-thinks of his lecturer's Hasselblad- haa...

I've been shooting for a while now and I've cultivated the habit of bringing my camera wherever I go, even when I'm working as a temp staff now (saving up to buy lenses and the 580EX speedlight).

And like you, I'm looking for a place to go to learn more, harness my present skills and explore further the art of photography. Good luck for your journey :) Maybe we can meet up and shoot together and exchange knowledge :)

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