LIVERPOOL F.C - You'll Never Walk Alone! (Season 9)

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Liverpool Poised To Sign Babel For £13.5m

Last season's beaten Champions League finalists had a bid of £10 million rejected by Babel's club Ajax, but came back with an improved offer of £13.5 million on Monday night with, the newspaper reports, Ajax will accept.

If the move does go ahead, it will end manager Rafael Benitez's declared quest for a winger - and take his spending to almost £35 million within a week after he bought striker Fernando Torres from Atletico Madrid for a club record fee.

The Sun quotes Ajax’s technical director Martin van Geel as saying: “Liverpool are very serious about signing Babel and have made an offer a lot higher than before. Because they want him so much, I think we will lose him.”

Babel’s agent Winnie Haatrecht had said earlier: “I can confirm that Ajax have received an official offer from Liverpool.”

Babel has been compared to Thierry Henry by Ajax coach Ten Cate, and the player said: "Physically our bodies are similar and I think our way of playing and priorities on the pitch are alike.
:bsmilie: :bsmilie: compared to HENRY?!?!?! :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

i think this boy is quite good from what i read n heard...he could be our 2nd if what RB said is true,there'll be another one to come...he said after Torres,there'll be another 2...


we've signed Leiva, Voronin, Torres...

these are the senior squad players.

we might be signing a few more with babel as one of the prime target.

i think we r settled in defence..its going forward that gives us some problems...but its always a good news to be linked to a big/promising signings...:thumbsup:more signings please...:bsmilie:

:) hopefully we can gif manu a good push and challenge next season.

chel$ki and Arsenal too. :sweat: :sweatsm:

Another tok kong winger would be nice. 2 tok kong wingers!!! One for each side:thumbsup:

Plus our central core of Gerrard, Alonso and Mascherano (and maybe Sissoko), we'll have a very solid midfield:D

wa seh! pompipi la! same sentiments! ideally we sign another tok-kong winger! SIMAO!!!!:thumbsup:

Chelsea signing Malouda raps Liverpool

Chelsea signing Florent Malouda has lifted the lid on Liverpool's failed pursuit of his signature.

He said: "I had people from Liverpool on the phone, especially the manager.

"But I had the feeling there was only him who really wanted me. I have always said that the most important thing in my view was to go to a club where everyone agreed about me."

Malouda, who cost Blues £13.5million from Lyon, added: "What Chelsea had to say was clear from the start.

"I had also been as a spectator several times to see them play - and I always liked what I saw.

"The manager, too, really wanted me. I had Jose Mourinho on the phone several times once Chelsea had been given the green light by Lyon to talk with me.

"The most important thing was to feel this desire to sign me.

"After that, I think the level of play suits me fairly well, too."

:bsmilie: we dun offer the kind of $$ like chel$ki does la.

how to fight? this fella only want $$ n the moment we pulled off the deal, lyon's price drop to 14m pounds????

using us as a metaphor to up price is it???? :thumbsd:

Bah! Liverpool also does not need an over-priced player that is so money faced. He thinks too highly of himself:thumbsd: I'm glad Liverpool didn't try to sign him.

he think he really speshow.

MoneyLai join chel$ki is much beta la. that club is for over-paid and over-the-hill players who only love the fresh smell of $$$$ every day.:bsmilie:

sad to see tat fowler never play much for england.
sad to see jamie carragher suffers the same fate despite shining for Liverpool.

PATHETIC to read that the clown otherwise known as mcC wanna tok to him over his future with England!:thumbsd:

if fowler was a bit more mature during his younger days, i am sure he would have been a regular. probably not selected due to his supposedly not so good image... which is a load of crap. close my eyes can think of so many others problem childs.... bowyer, dyer, loony, aiya, u guys know the list better than me

i think carra always sit on the bench because he can play anywhere across the back four, and is such a good backup. BUt seriously I cannot understand why ledley king can start ahead of him; how ferdinand and terry can start ahead of carra coming back from injuries, anytime carra is also better choice at left back then wayne bridge.....

go lor, as if we were really interested. no more french
now only spanish, south american or dutch and to some extend eastern european

ya man.

got one french player rated as the next ZZ... hahahaha

OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME!!! where the hell is he now?!?!:bigeyes:

ya man.

got one french player rated as the next ZZ... hahahaha

OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS ME!!! where the hell is he now?!?!:bigeyes:

omg, this fella forever remembered by us :bsmilie:

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