Liu Qian Magic Show on 2010 Chinese New Year Exposed

All co-host has to sign a secrecy contract prior that if I am not wrong. So it is not suprise that audience and co-host are together in this.

For the coin thing, there was a footage on how the coin was shot into the glass from a tiny slid at the base. I presume the host signed the coin twice. Or someone under the table saw the footage and sign it, then put in on the spring under the table.

From around 2:30 mins, the coin appeared in the glass. Guess most likely is shot from the table.. maybe need to review the video again..

If the host is in cahoots with Liu Qian then everything makes sense liao..

including the other "magic" performances.

China can make artificial egg now, so not surprise to have another ring to be the egg.

Do you know that all those teleportation from one box or to swimming tank are done by identical twins.

Another video that exposed how he "put" the ring into the egg at the CNY show in China 2009. ;)