photography Selections

nice work... the colors are nice :)
Thanks qqmeng... :) here are some in B&W...



haha... Thanks Jonathan... cya soon man... ;)

Really kind of you Aloysius.. thanks for dropping by...

Thanks Tsen... it has been awhile man... when can see you in action?? ;)

Thanks Sebasdor... no trade secret lah... i use mainly prime... these are what you can find in my arsenal.. Canon 24 F1.4, 50 F1.4, 85 F1.2 and my latest weapon, Sigma 12-24.... hope it helps bro... :)

wow.. haha.. thanks.. lolz!

hi where is this places such a nice pond with koi fishes.

It at Jewel Box, Mt Fabaer... nice place but lighting not very good after sunset... :)

just curious....why is eddy fr nightmare in elm st in the wedding? his wedding?

If i'm not wrong... there was a dare among the guys... he is supposed to dress up for the wedding... super onz... :bsmilie:

It at Jewel Box, Mt Fabaer... nice place but lighting not very good after sunset... :)

If i'm not wrong... there was a dare among the guys... he is supposed to dress up for the wedding... super onz... :bsmilie:

Good sport! Fr the back, the costume looked good too!

Power of the 12-24! :thumbsup:
Haha.... thanks melvin... it really make me think... y didnt i get that len earlier... :) anyway we shld catch up again man...

Good sport! Fr the back, the costume looked good too!
Thanks... u shld see his craw thingy.. damn stylo.. :bsmilie:

good timing right moment great pictures... Wow
Thanks bro.. really kind of you.. :)

Cinematographer at work... :)


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