Light Paint!

thanks cabbyshe! :)

here's one...

Colonel's Fury


Bailey's :lovegrin:


May i ask what kinda of light did you use for these? Not torchlight right?

bro i used sparkles :)

Ic..but wont it be smoky?

do it in pitch black conditions, i lighted my subject (bailey's) with my torchlight before using the sparkles to do the paints :)

Hello, NS been taking a toll on my photography time! anyway, one simple effort for an update :)


Nice stuff! How do you make sure that you're not in the picture as a blur, esp the stickman on the bed shot? Do you have to move around? And how fast do you move the lights? Thanks!

ya..i like the bed shot too..nice work..:thumbsup:

Nice stuff! How do you make sure that you're not in the picture as a blur, esp the stickman on the bed shot? Do you have to move around? And how fast do you move the lights? Thanks!

For the stickman shot, i used aperture around F22, shutter bulb mode.. let the camera take the bed area for around 10 secs before i go in and paint.. so i won't be seen in the image ;)

ya..i like the bed shot too..nice work..:thumbsup:

thanks a lot :) lost the original image due my harddisk got burnt out!! :(