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New Member
Sep 2, 2006
anyone can advise how to know whether the picture distorted is due to lens? how can i do self inspection on the lens condition?

anyone can advise how to know whether the picture distorted is due to lens? how can i do self inspection on the lens condition?

Most wide angle lenses have built-in distortion. Unintentional of course. Maybe you can post an image for us to check out.

please comments and advise. :) is the face look distorted and flat? what does "flat" mean in a photography lingo?


Is the face distorted? I guess only you can answer the question coz we may not have seen the model before.

IIRC, flat means dull, non-saturated colours.

Which Lens did you use? I think you are useing it on the wide side. For that shot you should use tele.

oh. I am using Nikon 18-55mm, normal lens. i'll try tele instead next time. tks.:)

oh. I am using Nikon 18-55mm, normal lens. i'll try tele instead next time. tks.:)

I think the model is fine. Just that it looks flat cos the colours are dull and maybe also quite depthless.(do you have a backfocus problem? looks like the uh hair/breast area are in focus rather then the face) My guess is that you zoomed in quite abit for this shot. and also quite close also thus making the foreground a little bigger then the background. In terms of proportion the image is out of it. WHat i can suggest if you use your kit lens is to shoot slightly wider, stand a little further back and try to fill in a little with a speedlight or sth. Can try at say F5.6 or something also.

Hope my noob 2 cents make some sense to you. Or if some of the shifu here got any insights, please do share so we can all learn. Cheers

please comments and advise. :) is the face look distorted and flat? what does "flat" mean in a photography lingo?


err...actually i dun see anything wrong with the pics...just the dull colour only...

please comments and advise. :) is the face look distorted and flat? what does "flat" mean in a photography lingo?


Not really lens... it is the perspective that you chose to shoot the model. The proportion to the model looks off especially the head wrt the body. The "flatness" is due to the lighting. Lighting helps to make your subject stand out.

oh. I am using Nikon 18-55mm, normal lens. i'll try tele instead next time. tks.:)

I guess you try to fill your frame with the model (your sis?:) ). You were alittle too close to shoot her with 18-55. Shooting near wide make near look wide and far too narrow. That is what happened to your model. A tele lens with good DOF to cover half the model length will be great. I can't say much about the color with the Lens you use and light condition on shoot. The next time you shoot like her again try to play with your DSLR K setting.

Her hair is in focus, I am not sure how the breast "in focus" in my brain.:bigeyes:

the colours look off to me.... underexposed of some sort.

wides usually have distortion in them. its entirely common. however in some cases like yours i would recommend you to correct the distortion by using photoshop.

well.. i share common sentiments as chris lim. prolly if you have focussed on the face, it would turn out betteR ??

There is nothing wrong with the lens.

What several people had wriiten wrt the wide angle lens (or wide end of the zoom) is called "exaggeration of perspectives". On the other hand, tele lenses "create" what is called "compression of perspectives". And all lenses are capable of altering perspectives - some more than others.

When there is "exaggeration of perspective" the near-far relationship is exaggerated - so that what is near appears bigger and what is further appears smaller. This kind of perspective alteration is used often in landscape imagery to exaggerate foreground to create a sense of drama. In your picture, the head is nearer to you, hence it appears larger than the legs which appear smaller. Even in the head, the forehead appears larger because it is tilted slightly more towards you than the chin.

Coming back to landscapes, sometimes one is faced with a scene of multiple mountain ranges. Using a wide angle lens will result in the distant ranges to be very small. In such situation, a tele lens maybe employed to "compress" the perspective - to bring the distant ranges closer to each other.

The word "flat" refers to the lack of contrast in light.

I had taken the liberty to desaturate the image to remove colors. You can see that the image is rather dull - meaning flat (light-wise). Look at the face, it is one monotonous grey.


the colours look off to me.... underexposed of some sort.

wides usually have distortion in them. its entirely common. however in some cases like yours i would recommend you to correct the distortion by using photoshop.

well.. i share common sentiments as chris lim. prolly if you have focussed on the face, it would turn out betteR ??

The issue is not that of focussing. The perspective remains if one uses the same camera and lens pointing at the subject the same way.

The issue is not that of focussing. The perspective remains if one uses the same camera and lens pointing at the subject the same way.

true. variable focal lengths = variable distortions.

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